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小吉他手。A little guitarist.

吉他手和作曲家巴登鲍威尔是他的门徒。The guitarist and composer Baden Powell was his protege.

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鼓手在打鼓,吉他手慵懒地弹着,歌手还在唱着歌,画家继续画着。The guitarist keeps strumming. The singer keeps singing.

这里没有计算机或电视机,不过每间宿舍都有人弹吉他。There are no computers or TVs, but a guitarist in every room.

伯根诺夫对足球十分着迷,也喜欢弹吉他和唱歌。An avid soccer player, Bergenov is also a guitarist and singer.

在2005年结阴沉佩里公布他的名字命名的独唱。In 2005, guitarist Joe Perry released his eponymous solo album.

我很高兴看到吉他手使用美国制造的PRS吉他。I was glad to see thee guitarist use an American made PRS guitar.

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和吉他手约翰Frusciante在两千年九个组。And guitarist John Frusciante left the group in two thousand nine.

维多跟我说他想要成为世界上最伟大的吉他大师。Vito told me that he wanted to be the greatest guitarist in the world.

滚石吉他手基思理查兹举办的演唱会。Guitarist Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones organized the concert.

“人生”是滚石乐队吉他手基思理查兹的自传。"Life" is the autobiography of Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards.

吉他手随时都可以重新调整螺旋来改变音准。The guitarist can change the tuning anytime simply by readjusting the screws.

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老鹰乐队宣布,吉他手格列弗雷去世,享年67岁。Eagles guitarist Glenn Frey has died at the age of 67, the band has announced.

我们乐团正在找一个新的吉他手。你有没有认识什么人会弹吉他?Our band is looking for a new guitarist. Do you know any one who plays guitar?

对于一个专业的演奏家来说,像成河这样拥有作曲能力是本质的东西。It is essential for a pro guitarist like Sungha to be able to compose original tunes.

身为才华横溢的钢琴手、吉他手和鼓手的椎名,完全自己创作她的所有歌曲。An accomplished pianist, guitarist and drummer, Sheena writes all of her own material.

自小受南美音乐薰陶,弹奏吉他多年,是一位出色的吉他手。He grew up under the influence of South-American music, and he is a remarkable guitarist.

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在日本和中川先生共度了一段日子后,我同样写出了Nakagawa-san。I also wrote Nakagawa-san after spending time with the guitarist Isato Nakagawa in Japan.

今天的吉他手想要一个调色盘的吉他铃声可供选择,和这个新的安培提供。Today's guitarist wants a palette of guitar tones to choose from, and this new amp delivers.

他是世界级的吉他手,但他是那么的友好和谦虚,在你的面前喝着啤酒。He is this world-class guitarist yet he's so friendly and humble, drinking his beer with you.