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四川各种矿藏蕴量丰富。Various ores were abundant.

中国物产丰富。China is abundant with products.

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我们有充裕的油籽出售。We have abundant oil seeds to sell.

丰宁旅游资源丰富。Fengning abundant tourism resources.

我国矿产非常丰富。Our country is abundant in minerals.

得道多助。A just cause enjoys abundant support.

我如斯爱你,以至快要被爱耗尽。I love you so abundant it absorbs me.

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它价格低廉,贮量丰富,而且基本上就在当地。It is cheap, abundant and often local.

邱县水资源较为丰富。Qiuxian more abundant water resources.

苹果树上结满了累累果实。The apple trees are abundant in fruit.

她的话非常哀婉动人。There is abundant pathos in her words.

森林里有充裕的薪柴可用。There is abundant firewood in the forest.

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我曾经有过丰富的感情经历。I have ever had abundant love experiences.

并且,它还有富厚的纤维和镁。Plus, it has abundant fiber and magnesium.

这座森林充满许多稀有的蕈类。This forest is abundant in rare mushrooms.

在互联网上,失效链接如汗牛充犊。On the internet, broken links are abundant.

这个地区石油蕴藏量丰富。The area is abundant in petroleum deposits.

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印尼的石油蕴藏量丰富。Indonesia is abundant in petroleum deposits.

尾毛浓密,呈刷状。The tail is bushy, covered by abundant hair.

川西是野生动物丰富的地区。West Sichuan is region abundant in wildlife.