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他认为,我们必须放弃对技术统治论的信仰。He argues that we must abandon the extreme faith in technocracy.

中国这种不受约束的技术官僚管治,绝非良决善策的保证。Such unconstrained technocracy is no guarantee of good ideas or decisions.

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除了古怪之外,技术官僚和专制早就已经同床异梦。Crankishness aside, technocracy and autocracy have long been natural bedfellows.

技术统治论主张科技专家对社会进行全盘的统治或管理。Technocracy claims that experts of science and technology govern society totally.

许多人反对专家,因为他们不希望受技术专家们支配。Many are opposed to a technocracy because they do not wish to be ruled by technical experts.

因此企业的专利技术管理工作成了企业管理工作的重要组织部分。So the management of the patent technocracy is an important part of the business enterprise administration.

技治主义的定义、历史、特征、存在理由。This paper briefly discusses the definition, history, characteristics, and existent reasons of technocracy.

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科技联盟希望通过消除随机要素与危险趋向,而使现实“安全无害”。The Technocracy hopes to make reality "safe for humanity" by removing random elements and dangerous foibles.

日本当局没有通过在技术统治论上让步向货主们提供帮助,也没有做出了更具同情心的回应。The Japanese authorities have not helped by falling back on technocracy rather than a more sympathetic response.

我们的故事可以开始于火星,那个红色的行星----这个社会主义者的桃花源,由一群科学政治家几乎解决了所有人类的问题。Our story begins on Mars, the red planet, where a socialist utopian technocracy has put an end to virtually all life’s problems.

通过解释企业危机时的选择,介绍了人力资本论中的技术性质决定论。Through analyzing the choices made by enterprises in face of crises, the paper introduces technocracy in the theory of human capital.

当今人类的生存空间贯彻着技术理性和统治,空间原本的生活意义和人文价值在消逝。The technological reason and technocracy carry out in the world, the significance of life and the humanistic value belong to space before are vanishing nowadays.

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技术统治论的思潮与运动以物理学原理深刻反思资本主义制度,罗斯福新政时期也大量吸收专家参与政权。Currents and campaigns of technocracy thesis introspected capitalism by using physiological principle. And Roosevelt Administration also absorbed many experts participating in his New Deal.