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“,”偿付一个退单。“Reimbursement for a chargeback.

你需要上交所有要报销的单据。You need all your receipts for reimbursement.

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我的旅费需要报帐。I would like to request my travel reimbursement.

偿还款项由进度款抵消。Reimbursement is to be secured by progress payments.

请开汇票向我方支款,用于偿付这些额定费用。In reimbursement of these extra expenses, please draw on us.

请开汇票向我方支款,用于偿付这些额外费用。In reimbursement of these ext ra expenses , please draw on us.

其中牙科治疗费年累计最高给付1500元。The reimbursement limit per year for dental treatment is RMB 1500.

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我在考虑为我的手机账单申请更多的补偿。I am thinking about applying for more reimbursement for my mobile bill.

偿付授权书不应规定有效日期。The reimbursement authorization should not be subject to an expiry date.

您的费用我们已经拨付给您了。We have already appropriated the reimbursement for approved expenses to you.

如果偿还体系是服务性收费,那就会导致更多的服务项目出现。If the reimbursement system is fee-for-service, that results in more services.

三是提高新型农村合作医疗报销水平,缓解看病贵。Three is to improve the new rural cooperative medical reimbursement levels, to ease your doctor.

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我们的有偿服务模式也偿还对真正的努力工作,以减少利用。Our fee-for-service reimbursement model also works against genuine efforts to reduce utilization.

两个项目机构为运输和焚化尸体提供相同标准的经济补偿。Both programs offered equal levels of financial reimbursement for transportation and cremation costs.

新的警告也对医疗保险限制支付药物透析使用的回款产生了压力。The new warning is also likely to put pressure on Medicare to restrain reimbursement for dialysis use.

最惠国税率,协定税率,还有增值税,消费税,退税。Most-favored-nation tax rate, Conventional tariff rates, Increment duty, Excise tax, Tax reimbursement.

未经事先批准的出差费用将不予报销。You will receive a reimbursement for visa expenses incurred for the purposes of project-related travel.

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除了从卡内基那儿得到一些旅费补助之外,其他一切费用都由我自行负责。Other than reimbursement for some traveling expenses, I got no compensation from Carnegis for me efforts.

你这家伙。先去玩吧。回来后一切费用到我这里来报。Your guy. You go to plays first. Then you will be come back that you come here to your all reimbursement.

告诉栾学堂报账不用这么勤,以后三个月报一次,直接放书房就行。Tell Luan school reimbursement not so frequently, after three monthly report once, directly put the study.