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拉提波夫为我做了一番示范。Latypov gave me a demonstration.

我再给你们演示一遍I'll give you one more demonstration.

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清单5-30提供了一个演示。Listing 5-30 provides a demonstration.

我们将进行直观演示。We will present an ocular demonstration.

请仔细看我的动作示范。Watch closely my demonstration of movement.

这个示范、导向作用的价值是巨大的。The value of demonstration and gide is huge.

但这并非一种哲学上的论证”。But that's not a philosophical demonstration.

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这个名称只是为了示范用的。This name is only for demonstration purposes.

控制矿产品等初级加工产品生产总量。An article or product used in a demonstration.

他去那儿是为了作示范表演。He went there on purpose to make demonstration.

你能想象伊登是一次示威游行的领导人吗?。Can you picture Eden captaining a demonstration?

用位移传感器验证位移控制。Displacement control mode demonstration by LVDT.

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随机数只是用于演示目的。The random number is for demonstration purposes.

第一次的示范课讲得很失败。The first demonstration lesson about the failure.

他写的新书是他的爱国精神的证明。His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.

这是一个演示冒泡排序的程序。This is a demonstration of Bubble Sort procedures.

你想不想看免费的示范说明?NO01,2. Would you like to see a free demonstration?

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示例应用程序演示到此结束。This concludes your sample application demonstration.

谢伊带我到足球场示范了一番。Shea takes me to a football field for a demonstration.

我们使用此方法仅为了进行演示。We used this approach only for demonstration purposes.