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你留下欠条。You leave IOUs.

这件事归我处理。Leave this to me.

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请半开着门。Leave the door ajar.

我远离战争与恐惧。I leave war and fear.

可以麻烦帮我留话吗?Can I leave a message?

我再也离不开她。I could not leave her.

我可以请你捎口信吗?May I leave a message?

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把它放在你的椅子上。Leave it on your chair.

甭管我的事。Leave my affairs alone.

让这个窗口保持打开。Leave that window open.

请留下你要说的话.Please leave a message.

没有能再迟入了。Can't leave early again.

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我能留个口信儿吗?Could I leave a message?

我只会留下一片黑雾。I'll leave a dark cloud.

让我一个人好好歇一会吧!Leave me alone a little!

你让我豪无选择。You leave me no choices.

严格按规定时间到岗和离岗。Arrive and leave on time.

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难道要我留下什么吗?Did I leave anything out?

我的火炉还在燃烧着吗?Did I leave the stove on?

不要遗漏掉任何你应该感恩的。Don’t leave anything out.