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这就是疟疾。This is malaria.

什么是疟疾?What is malaria?

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他疟疾害得很厉害。He got malaria badly.

疟疾分布图正在缩小。The malaria map is shrinking.

我们知道怎样去阻止疟疾。We know how to prevent malaria.

疟疾是另一种常见的杀手。Malaria is another common killer.

并非所有的蚊子携带疟疾病毒,但是偏偏最喜食人类血液的疟蚊携带。Not all mosquitoes carry malaria.

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某些蚊子传播疟疾。Certain mosquitoes transmit malaria.

疟疾是一种急剧发热性疾病。Malaria is an acute febrile illness.

奎宁是治疗疟的良药。Quinine is the medicine for malaria.

奎宁是治疗疟疾的良药。Quinine is the medicine for malaria.

疟蚊传播疟疾。Anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria.

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疟疾经由蚊子叮咬传播。Malaria is spread by mosquito bites.

有种蚊子叮人后人会患疟疾。One type of mosquito can cause malaria.

疟疾是既可预防又可治愈的。Malaria is both preventable and curable.

一些西非人对疟疾有免疫能力Some West Africans Are Immune to Malaria

疟疾病人间歇地发热。The malaria victim fevers intermittently.

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而根除疟疾运动则未做到这一点。The campaign to eradicate malaria did not.

治疗疟疾的最佳方法是什么?What is the best treatment against malaria?

他们理解控制疟疾的必要性。They understand the need to control malaria.