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他为人安静内敛,穿着保守。He’s quiet and reflective, and he dresses conservatively.

和棋对彭来说是合适的,所以她应该下得更稳妥些。A draw would suit Peng, so she should have played more conservatively.

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但是公司应当综合谨慎地评估成本。But companies should estimate costs comprehensively and conservatively.

穿着过于保守比起穿着不够保守要好一些。It is better to dress too conservatively than not conservatively enough.

现在,她和她的室友正在学着适量用水。Now, she and her roommates are learning to use water more conservatively.

但是不论这些措施的效果如何,想在这场纷争中求生存的银行的日常运行中看上去似乎很拘谨。Whatever the rules, surviving banks seem likely to operate conservatively.

你认为我们中的哪一个会在这个游戏中表现得更加患得患失呢?Who do you think is going to play more conservatively in this game of poker?

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未破裂脑动静脉畸形应该保守治疗吗?。Should Unruptured brain Arterioveneus Malformations Be Treated Conservatively?

我们建议,非特异性结肠溃疡应采取保守治疗。It is suggested that nonspecific ulcer of the colon should be managed conservatively.

若晚期减速间断出现,可先保守性的给予吸氧,改变体位等处理。If intermittent, late decelerations are managed conservatively with positioning and oxygen.

结果8例经保守治疗痊愈,47例通过多种手术术式治愈,没有手术死亡。Results 8 cases were treated conservatively. 47 patients were cured with several patterns and no operative death.

总体来看,韩国职场穿着仍然很保守,男性主要还是穿衬衣打领带。South Koreans in general still dress conservatively in the workplace, with an emphasis on suits and ties among men.

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在这种局势下的一步疑问手。和棋对彭来说是合适的,所以她应该下得更稳妥些。It is an unjustified decision in this situation. A draw would suit Peng, so she should have played more conservatively.

爱好知名度的希尔顿答应穿着保守,并说,她位于迪拜的音乐电视系列将只向妇女开放。The fame-loving Hilton promised to dress conservatively and said her Dubai-based MTV series will be open to women only.

研究者担心,这次在中国主要城市成都附近发生的大地震可能将成为自一九七六年唐山地震以来中国最大的杀手,保守估计,那次地震夺去了biggest killer since 1976's Tangshan quake, conservatively estimated to have taken 250,000 lives. "I would think there's

当他是共和党人,保守派抱怨地在共和党的初选中,只有。When he was a Republican, conservatives grumbled that he voted conservatively only in the run-up to a Republican primary.

以整洁清爽的外貌出现在面试现场。要避免过度打扮,穿着得体舒适。Arrive at the interview with a neat and clean appearance. Avoid being overly made-up. Dress conservatively and comfortably.

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由方差放大分析可知,在新的变体模型中采用保守的提前期估计值总是比较有利。The analysis of the variance amplification suggests we should always estimate the lead-times conservatively in our new policy.

研究设计。回顾保守治疗急性胸腰椎爆裂性骨折病人的回顾性研究。Study Design. A retrospective study to review patients with acute thoracolumbar burst fractures who were conservatively treated.

血液循环稳定的心室上心律不整可以先观察以及停用药物。Hemodynamically stable supraventricular arrhythmias may be treated conservatively with observation and discontinuation of digoxin.