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“他们是一群大傻瓜,”她怒气冲冲地说。"They are a passel of fools" she said shortly.

从果农摘下的第一批青涩的果子,到收获结束果农运走的最后一批,我都购买和品尝过。From fruit grower got first passel green fruit to got last one, I just bought and tasted.

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本课题为国家混凝土结构设计规范第六批科研课题。This research subject is the sixth passel subject of code for design of concrete structure.

前30年的抗日文学虽涌现出一批较优秀的文学作品,但整体发展并不尽如人意。A passel of excellent Anti-Japanese works appeared in the first 30 years but beyond satisfaction on the whole.

公司拥有一批资深的搪瓷技术、企业管理、市场营销人员。The company has a passel of technicist, manager person and the sales that have huge experiences in enamelware.

公司拥有一批资深的搪瓷技术、企业管理、市场营销职员。The company has a passel of technicist, manager person and the sales that have huge experiences in enamelware.

在庄严的银河共和国政府日渐衰微的时期,帕塞尔·阿金特是一名为国家服务的男性人形议员。Passel Argente is a male humanoid Senator serving the Galactic Republic during that august government's waning years.

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企业同盟董事长帕塞尔?阿金特签了杜库伯爵的条约后,指派自己的机器人坦克部队为邦联的事业效力。When Corporate Alliance Magistrate Passel Argente signed Count Dooku's treaty, he committed his droid tank forces to the cause.

帕赛尔先生估计,在过去三年,合法移民要多于非法移民,这是原先格局的一个逆转。For the past three years, Mr Passel reckons, there has been more legal than illegal immigration—a reversal of the previous pattern.

吉林大学文物室藏着一批古陶文实物,皆未经著录。There are a passel of ancient pottery script which have not been recorded in the cultural relic collection room of Jilin University.

一群有著最好的身板的模特,本著将就的精神,在停靠在21号大街路边的货物集装箱里换衣服。There was a passel of top-shelf models who, in a spirit of making do, changed clothes in freight containers parked curbside on 21st Street.

同盟董事会审阅了达西恩的并购资产后,帕塞尔·阿金特亲自提拔他为将军。When his acquisitions portfolio was reviewed by the Alliance Directorate, Dassyne was granted the rank of general by Passel Argente himself.

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你最好还是跟那个连“是”和“不”都不会说的傻子在一起生活吧,并且抚养一大群像她那样说话拐弯抹角的傻孩子。You'd rather live with that silly fool who can't speak except to say "yes" and "no" and raise a passel of mealy -mouthed brats just like her.

做其他厂家不愿做的微型五金件、机械零配件。一件和一批都是我们的客户!We fabricate micro hardwares and machinery parts which others don't produce. you clients with an order of a passel or a piece all are our clients!

为改变目前状况和推进湖南省梨产业结构的合理化,中南林学院“绿之梦”果园和永州“金地”公司分别引进了一批砂梨品种,其中包括部分日韩品种。With the aims of changing recent situation and of promoting a rationalization of the pear industry in Hunan Province, a passel of sandy pear varieti.

企业积累了多年的生产经验,设备齐全,技术力量雄厚,拥有一批专业技术与研发人员。The enterprise has possess of experience many years, Equipped stronger R&D and full equipment, and possess of passel professional personnel of technology and search.

用谷歌来一番足够有创意的搜索,或者有足够的意愿去相信搜索结果,总能找到符合自身要求的“真相”,外加一大批所谓的专家为其打包票,以及一群同样的追随者。With a creative or credulous enough Google search, a self-serving"truth" can always be found, along with a passel of supposed experts to vouch for it and a clique of fellow disciples.

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公司拥有机电、模具及产品等一批专业工程师,并且引进先进的生产设备和技术经验,提升制造水平。We have a passel expert engineer on machinery electricity, mould design and product develop, also introduce advanced equipment and technologies experience to upgrade the manufacture levels.

但随着现代科学技术的深入发展,一批先进的汽车碰撞虚拟试验软件出现为汽车侧面碰撞安全性研究提供了良好的基础。With the modern science technique developed deeply, appearance of a passel of advanced automobile virtual testing soft offer nicer foundation for research of automobile side impact passive safety.