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就外表而言,这是完全无可厚非的。It is quite unobjectionable exteriorly.

椅座,椅背衬垫采用高密度,高弹性的聚氨脂泡绵,外面覆盖耐火布料。Seat and back cushion is made of high density and high elasticity PU foam, covered with fire retardant cloth exteriorly.

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现已成为全市主要的会议中心和著名的展览场馆,是对外交流的窗口之一。Now it has become the main convention center and the notorious exhibition venue, being convenient for service exteriorly.

计算结果表明,反应热不足以平衡物料升温至150℃温度时所需的热量,需从外部补充热量。The results indicate that reactive heat quantity is not balanced with heat quantity for heating up the slurry to 150℃ and require supply exteriorly.

物理催陈是从外部给白酒中的各类物质的分子施加场强或能量,使得白酒在较短的时间内达到老熟。Physical aging could exteriorly impose field strength or energy on the molecule in liquor, which could further accelerate liquor aging in a short time.

对外,我们坚持与各关联单位保持良好的合作关系,重诚信,快速响应与真诚服务客户。Exteriorly , we maintain good cooperation relationship with associated companies, and make fast, reliable, legal and stepwise response to our customers.

相对剩余劳动力必须依靠农业生产经营方式的转变进行内部消化,绝对剩余劳动力的外部转移重点在城乡“中间带”。Relative surplus must be absorbed interiorly and absolute surplus should be mostly transferred exteriorly to the interconnection between rural and urban areas.

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在当代中国,随着市场经济蓬勃发展,公关活动也已经直接在新闻传播中发挥作用,不但社会组织对媒体进行公关,媒体本身也在开展自己的公关活动。Spurred by the booming market economy in contemporary China, PR functions directly amid journalism, playing a critical role in media organizations both interiorly and exteriorly.

③面对“跨越式”人事管理体制改革的时代要求,各级政府对从外部强力推进高校人事制度创新负最终责任。Thirdly, facing the request of leapfrogging reform in university personnel system, the government should bear the responsibility to promote the university reform powerfully and exteriorly.

在对国内外产业集群理论进行梳理的基础上,提出了“产业集群类型是产业本身特点的外在表现”这一新的论点。The existing industrial cluster theories were made a brief review and then a new research findings that industrial cluster category is embodied exteriorly by industrial characteristics was given.