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选哪份工作?Which job?

他得到了那份工作。He got the job.

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这工作烂透了。This job sucks.

那是你自己的事情That's your job.

这工作可真不简单。It's no easy job.

就像我的工作。Like with my job.

简化你的工作?Simplify your job?

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是的,我喜欢我的工作。Yes,I like my job.

我做着我卑微的工作。I do my little job.

这是一项艰钜的任务。It's a monster job.

这个任务很吃重。This is a hard job.

本尼得到了新工作。Benny got a new job.

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在职培训。On the job training.

这项工作毁了她们。The job rotted them.

我要接受哪份工作?Which Job Do I Take?

干得好,乖女儿。Good job my daughter.

他拖拖拉拉地做工作。He loafed on the job.

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我打算换一份工作。I gona change my job.

这是份可恨的工作。It was a hateful job.

你的日常工作是什么?What is your day job?