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你可以露天就餐。You may dine alfresco.

我们周日总是在家吃饭。We always dine in on weekdays.

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下星期我们将同他会餐。We'll dine with him next week.

我们周末总是在外吃饭。We always dine out at weekends.

我的朋友邀请我出去吃饭。My friend invited me to dine out.

他们在工作日经常出外去吃饭。They often dine forth on weekdays.

他正餐总是吃牛排和色拉。He is used to dine off steak and salad.

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并且以蜂蜜和小亮鱼为餐。And dine upon honey and small shiny fish.

或者可能会减少外出就餐的次数?Or perhaps on how frequently you dine out?

您来和我们一起吃饭。You owe me reparation. You will dine with us.

他们乘车往回赶,6点1刻时才坐下来吃饭。They drove back, and at 6.15 sat down to dine.

女王真的用金盘子进餐吗?Does the Queen really dine off the gold plates?

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那篇新闻报道能让她在社交界今后几天都受人宴请。She'll be able to dine out on that story for days.

他说他今晚来和我一起吃个便饭。He said he would come and dine with me, sans facon.

今晚7时左右我们将和朋友们进正餐。We'll dine with our friends tonight at about seven.

拍卖获胜者能够与巴菲特共进午餐。The winner of the auction gets to dine with Buffett.

他们放工之后,经常去当地的酒吧吃吃喝喝。They often wine and dine at the local bar after work.

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凯宾斯基饭店面包房是一家可以堂食的甜点房。Kempinski Hotel bakery is a dessert you can dine room.

我上饭馆吃饭时喜欢一个人占一张桌。When I dine in a restaurant , I like a table to myself.

很高兴听你这么说,您愿意和我们共进晚餐吗?Gald to hear it. Would you like to dine with us tonight?