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钥匙沉默个中藏。The key in Silence undetected.

大多数情况下掺假没被检出。Mostly, the adulteration went undetected.

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全世界都没察觉这场胡闹。The prank went undetected around the world.

它可能是1位错误将未被发现?Is it possible that a 1-bit error will go undetected?

大多数情况下掺假没被检出。有时FDA会发现。Mostly, the adulteration went undetected. Sometimes FDA caught it.

并且那个终点使你可以更好地发现不易察觉的小错误。And that end is to enable you to better find as yet undetected bugs.

如果一开始就用合手,经常会无法察觉拍子数错了。Students who start HT can end up with undetected mistakes in counting.

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这种情形下,他们少报的收入并未被发现。In those circumstances, their underreported income would go undetected.

特别是消费者并不能察觉到这些问题的时候。This is particularly true if the problems could go undetected by customers.

想起那未被发现的爱,娇嫩的的脸庞上印着两条深深的泪痕。Remembered that undetected love, delicate face printed on the two deep tears.

因为火花可能通过烟囱未发觉的裂缝中进入你的阁楼,并引起火灾。Sparks may escape into your attic through an undetected crack and start a fire.

这可能导致他们的论点是,以揭露否则未被发现的嫌疑人。That could lead, they argue, to the unmasking of otherwise undetected suspects.

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它是通常是运动员猝死的原因,却往往没被发现。It's the most common cause of sudden death in athletes. HCM often goes undetected.

你将永远不会知道,家庭键盘记录2.83是在您的系统,因为它违背未被发现。You'll never know that Family KeyLogger 2.83 is on your system as it runs undetected.

软泥怪能够通过吞噬蔓延物来回复生命值,也能以潜行的方式悄悄离开。Slimes are able to merge with the creep to regenerate health and sneak away undetected.

但由于许多地震发生在偏远地区抑或地震级数很小,他们就未报道。However, many go undetected because they hit remote areas or have very small magnitudes.

MAC服务为发送数据包引入了非常低的漏检错误率。The MAC Service introduces a very low undetected frame error rate in transmitted frames.

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这场大逃亡由18个人运作,他们在监狱外运作了5个月而没有被人发现。The caper involved an 18-man crew working from outside the prison undetected for five months.

照这样说,这个覆盖空缺增加了这样一个缺陷进入未被发觉的产品中的可能性。Thus, this coverage gap raises the likelihood of such a defect going to production undetected.

如果你不习惯听短元音的话,那些已弱化的元音是不容易被察觉的。Reduced vowels are often undetected if you're not accustomed to listening for short vowel sounds.