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过村没有这店之感触,在恋爱过程中表现主动。Cross a village to do not have the feeling of this inn, behave in amative process active.

他们在恋爱过程中会更多地关注对方的性格、人品其他因素。The disposition that they pay close attention to the other side can morely in amative process, character is other element.

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健康的恋爱心理和恋爱道德要求是当代大学生恋爱幸福与成功的基础。The main exhibition of amative mentality of undergraduate are affectional need, simulate mentality and the change of value concept.

恋爱的前途有二,或是有情人终成眷属,或是无缘分道扬镳。Amative future has 2, or it is the lover becomes spouses eventually, or it is not to have a predestined relationship to part company.

铉洙性格内敛,总是羞涩地向恩珠表达爱意,在恋爱方面输给了佑植。The collect inside Xuan Zhu disposition, always express love bashfully to favour bead, bless establish was defeated in amative respect.

和宝宝在一起的时候不要太色,会让人家觉得她只是你的需要。I should not be too amative while I am staying with my baby because it may cause she to misapprehend that she is only the request of my flesh.

大学生的恋爱行为是否文明,但看是否影响观瞻即可,不必把正常的身体接触视为大逆不道。Amative behavior of the undergraduate is civilized, but look to whether affect sight can, need not regard regular body contact as treason and heresy.

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跨世纪的中国社会已进入快节奏、丰富多采的时代,生活方式在改变,恋爱方式也变得“新潮”。The Chinese society that crosses a century already entered fast rhythm, rich and varied period, lifestyle is being changed, amative means also becomes " trendy ".

小西的独立令她面对自己弟弟顾小航爱上恋爱历史复杂的简佳也不十分担心。Small the independence on the west makes her face Gu Xiaohang of him little brother to fall in love with the Jian Jia with amative complex history to also do not worry very.

因为恋爱时间短,还未到审美疲劳期就已步入婚姻,婚后继续享受爱情的甜蜜,顺利度过磨合期。Because amative time is short, had not arrived aesthetic exhaustion period already entered marriage, marriage succeed add enjoys the sweetness of love, spend smoothly adjust period.

洗脸台、浴室、梳理台等水会聚集的场所若太脏乱的话,阴气很重,会让恋爱运变差。The commode, bathroom, place that combs the water assemble collect such as the stage is like the word of too dirty chaos, shade gas is very heavy, can let amative carry become poor.

然而,现实生活中,总有人悖逆人性而动,视正常的恋爱举动如寇仇,必欲严惩而后快。However, in real life, total somebody is contrary to to go against human nature and be moved, inspect normal amative activity to be like Kou Chou, be about to punish severely surely after that fast.

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总的来说,水瓶情人很尊重爱人,不拘泥于传统的恋爱婚姻模式,所以他们不会在意你的身份地位等,仅仅只是爱你这个人!As a whole, water bottle lover very esteem sweetheart, liberal the amative marriage mode at the tradition, so they won't care about your status position to wait, just love your this individual merely!