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拜托啦,萨拉,看在朋友份上。Come on, Sara. Be a pal.

他未能与莎菈取得联络。He failed to contact Sara.

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里欧妈妈会喜欢安娜吗?Mamma sarà come Anna in Europa?

莎菈只穿设计家的衣服。Sara only wears designer clothing.

萨拉克鲁是一个七岁的女孩儿。Sara Crue was a seven year-old girl.

电话铃声响起,莎拉接了起来。The phone rings and Sara picks it up.

忽然,她看到怀亚特慢慢接近。Suddenly, Sara sees Wyatt approaching.

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莎拉来见将军,将军说她看起来休息得不错。Padman tells Sara that she looks rested.

在建筑外面,迈可和莎拉刚刚到达。Outside, Michael's just arrived with Sara.

Sara合作混纺系列,写了专辑的10首曲目六。Sara co-wrote six of the album's 10 tracks.

萨拉和以前一样对音乐感兴趣。Sara is as much interested in music as ever.

或许莎拉和约翰也想跟我们一块去。Maybe Sara and John would like to come along.

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阿协尔的女儿的名字是色辣黑。And the name of the daughter of Aser, was Sara.

迈可和莎拉终于从货车上逃离。Michael and Sara finally escape from the truck.

萨拉正在问杨佩关于未来的打算。Sara is asking Yang Pei about her future plans.

撒辣一生的寿数是一百二十岁。And Sara lived a hundred and twenty-seven years.

赛跑明星桑德拉·克拉克吃许多健康的食物。Runing star Sara Clark eats lots of healthy food.

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莎拉喜欢数字,她最喜欢的游戏是数独!Sara likes numbers, she likes Sudoku puzzles best!

拉维尼娅这么说的时候,萨拉默不作声。Sara did not answer when Lavinia said these things.

突然,莎拉突然停住了笑容,迈可的鼻子流血了。Suddenly, Sara stops short.Michael has a nosebleed.