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MMF是一种普通的的疾病或综合征吗?Q2. Is MMF a general disease or syndrome?

它与疫苗中的铝有何关系?What is MMF and how is it related to aluminium in vaccines?

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尚无证据提示MMF是一种特定的病症。A. There is no evidence to suggest that MMF is a specific illness.

MMF患者有哪些特异的临床症状?Q3. Do patients with the MMF lesion have any specific clinical symptoms?

图6中“持续看板”的例子是一个功能的分解并且一张卡片代表一个MMF。The example "Sustaining Kanban" in Figure 6 is a feature breakdown and one card represents an MMF.

结论两剂赛尼哌联合应用环孢素、骁悉和强的松免疫抑制治疗方案对预防肾移植后急性排斥反应是安全、有效的。Conclusion 2-dose Zenapax combined with Pret, CsA and MMF is a safe and effective prevention of AR.

用于诱导治疗时,霉酚酸酯比环磷酰胺有更少的副作用。Induction therapy with MMF is also associated with fewer side effects than induction therapy with CYC.

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触发局部MMF损伤并导致其持续存在的潜在机制尚未阐明。The underlying mechanisms triggering the local MMF lesion and its persistence have not been clarified.

第五章结合第四章的内容提出了发展货币市场基金的政策建议。On the basis of the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter introduces the suggestion about developing MMF in china.

研究表明,免疫接种和局限性MMF损伤可能与多系统疾病有关。A. It has been suggested that vaccination and localized MMF lesions might be associated with a multi-system disorder.

研究证实,MMF患者更有可能接种过使用氢氧化铝作为佐剂的疫苗。The study confirmed that patients with MMF are more likely to have received vaccines containing aluminium hydroxide adjuvants.

而方案2中WNN直接区分出那些被噪声污染的像素,并把这些像素用MMF的滤波结果代替。In approach 2, WNN distinguishes the corrupted pixels and then these pixels are replaced by MMF results while other pixels retain.

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结论霉酚酸酯对糖尿病大鼠早期肾脏损害有保护作用,其机制可能是通过其抗炎、抗增殖作用产生。Conclusion MMF may prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy through its anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory properties.

直流电动机中电枢磁动势的轴线位置是由电刷位置决定的,电刷具有箝位的功能。In DC motor, the locality of axis of armature MMF was determined by the brush position, here the brush possessed a function of clamping.

此外,励磁绕组产生的磁动势绝大部分作用于气隙,故近似认为该磁动势是仅作用在气隙处的一个等效磁动势。Besides, the mmf produced by field winding acts mostly in the gap, and can be approximated with the equivalent force applied in the gap only.

针对直流电动机中电枢磁动势的轴线位置由电刷决定的特征,提出了箝位概念,指出自控变频乃是箝位效应的直接后果。Aimed at the feature that the locality of axis of the armature mmf is determined by the brush in dc motor, a new concept on clamp is proposed.

迄今为止,是否有任何科研证据表明需要对现行有关MMF的结论做出修改,或者需要对含铝疫苗使用的建议作出修订?Q7. Does any scientific evidence to date change any conclusions about MMF and any recommendations on the use of aluminium-containing vaccines?

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结论MMF治疗甲状腺眼病疗效优于小剂量糖皮质激素和雷公藤总萜片。Conclusion MMF may be more effective than glucocorticoid and tripterygium preparation in regular dose in the treatment of thyroid ophthalmopathy.

MMF还将在12个受海啸影响的国家提供关于该地区红树林分布的最新评估信息,并恢复生态系统。MMF will also provide an updated assessment of mangrove distribution in the area and restore ecosystems in the 12 nations affected by the tsunami.

霉酚酸酯作为一种新的抗排斥治疗药物,能更有效地预防肾移植术后急性排斥,且毒副作用低。MMF as a new anti rejection drug could more effectively prevent acute rejection than Aza after renal transplantation, and has lower toxicity and side effect.