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机场的飞机库是新油漆过的。The airport hangar was freshly painted.

俱乐部把直升机储藏在飞机库里。The club stores helicopters in this hangar.

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损坏了的飞机被拖进了飞机库。The damaged craft was hauled to the hangar.

崭新的两舱MD-11机库也已经竣工。A heated two-bay MD-11 hangar has been completed.

他们在一个隐蔽的机库里追上了这名老绝地。They caught up with the old Jedi in a hidden hangar.

飞机在机场附近的机库里装卸货物。The plane was assembled in a hangar next to the airport.

狂风暴雨中,飞机应当停放在飞机库内。During the heavy storm, airplanes should be kept in the hangar.

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燃料从接缝渗出,雨点般落到机棚地上。Fuel was seeping through the joints, raining down on the hangar floor.

他们的机库小得多,而且花岗岩导弹的弹仓依然存在。Their hangar is much smaller wih granit missile compartment still around.

孔探工具放在离T2号机库200码远需要穿过机坪的地方。The BSI kit was stored 200 yards away across the apron from the T2 hangar.

金鹿公务机在北京机场拥有全国最大的商务喷气机机库。Deer Jet recently opened China's largest business jet hangar at Beijing Airport.

国防科技库防弹塔楼升级现在允许射击2目标为每家银行。TEC Hangar Defense flak turrets upgrade now allows firing at 2 targets per bank.

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航母,母舰,泰坦公司双倍船舱阵列。Carriers, Motherships and Titans have had their corporation hangar array doubled in size.

残暴男子从容地把乐观的儿子往飞机库里的挂钩上猛撞。With sangfroid the sanguinary man bangs his sanguine son against the hanger in the hangar.

房间他们进入是中型的飞机飞机库的大小,而且几乎空。The room they entered was the size of a medium-sized aircraft hangar , and was almost empty.

这张影像上在靠近南波的地方有一座新的飞机棚,连接着摄影航线。This clip shows the new hangar near the south ramp area, and its connection to the flightline.

旅大II级用直升机甲板和机库取代了尾部的130毫米炮塔和37毫米炮塔。The Luda II replaces the aft-most 130 mm and 37 mm gun turrets with a helicopter pad and hangar.

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10月7日,台北某飞机库大小的会展厅,伏特加、威士忌酒香四溢。The vodka and whiskey flowed freely in a Taipei exhibition hall the size of an airplane hangar on Oct. 7.

我们已经把它从机库去掉,因此便有更多的空间来存放更多的J-15。所以船上可以携带24架机翼折叠的飞机。We have remove it from hangar so it more room for more J-15. With wing fold, 24 of them can carried onboard.

库内结构,设置巨大的钢筋混凝土水泥梁架,巴西里卡柱式,排列十分雄伟。Hangar structure, setting large reinforced concrete cement beam, Brazil card type, arrangement is magnificent.