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丰富与持久的果味,辣味,矿产香气。It's full of fruity, piquancy and mineral spice.

如果不算好,也至少是个痛快的开始。I've got a GOOD start, or at least, a piquancy start.

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边上备有一点芥末,可增加辣味。A little mustard is served on the side to add further piquancy.

青翠的花苞结实饱满,芳香如同带有毒性的辛辣。Those freshly green buds had grown plump and tough, giving off fragrance as if toxic piquancy.

李彪第一次痛快的同意了白冬菊的方案,锄奸队开端部署行动。LiBiao first piquancy agreed BaiDongJu scheme, the anti-espionage team start deployment action.

为了迎合这种新时尚,不少饮料公司竞相以辣椒为原料制作新型的辣味饮料。To cater to this kind of new style, many beverage companies make new-style piquancy drink for raw material with chili eagerly.

一些地区也逐渐形成了以辣椒产业为主的“辣椒之乡”,出现了著名的辣椒品牌。Some area has formed gradually "home of capsicum" and given first place to the piquancy industry, the famous capsicum brand has appeared.

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嚼香肠时还会感觉到胡椒的微辣,喝口德国鲜酿制的冰啤酒使你食欲大增。You can feel the mild piquancy of pepper and aroma of Garaway seeds when chewing it. A cup of fresh ice-beer will inspire your appetite greatly.

老人没有年轻男人那种自作饶勇的噪音,没有全身血液充满睪固酮那股辛辣,这样的性快感几乎成为一种心情。Unlike those young men who made arrogant noises, without the somatic piquancy when the blood filled with testosterone, such sexual excitement was almost like a mood.

产品为青褐色或深红色油状液体,味觉纯正,极其辛辣,可根据使用要求提供油溶性辣椒精、水溶性辣椒精。It is a green brownnesss or scarlet red oily liquid, the sense of taste is pure, tarnal piquancy . We can also provide oil chilli extract, water chilli extract according to demand.

人体的扭曲与迭加,令人惊奇甚至厌恶的红色嘴唇,直接地表达了死亡的快感以及打破一切后希望的到来。The contortion and overlapping of bodies, the stunning and even abhorrent red lips, they all directly express the piquancy of death and the arrival of hope after breaking everything.

刺激性食物不单单是辣味食物,它包括很多,如烟、酒、咖啡、浓茶以及各种辛辣调味品,如葱、姜、蒜、辣椒、胡椒粉、咖喱等。Excitant food is not piquancy food only, it includes a lot of, be like smoke, wine, coffee, strong tea and all sorts of acrimony dressing, wait like green, ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, curry.