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电容的丈量单元是法拉。It is measured in farads.

如何衡量毒性?How is virulence measured?

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鼓非洲鼓如何衡量?。How Are Djembe Drums Measured?

如何测量放射性?How is radioactivity measured?

质量的单位是千克Mass is measured in kilograms.

电阻是欧姆来度量的。Resistance is measured in Ohm.

以弧度计量的角度。An angle , measured in radians.

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耐久度的衡量单位是圆点数。Durability is measured in dots.

土粒的大小是怎样量出来的?。How are the particles measured?

我没有评测过其效果。I have not measured its effect.

这些是可以测出的变化。These are the changes measured.

赫雷什我的大小来衡量它。Heres the size as I measured it.

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这块布是以米来计算的。The cloth is measured in meters.

用标准烛光测量发光的强度。Light is measured by candlepower.

据测定这次地震的震级为9级。The quake measured magnitude nine.

他配出了一服药。He measured out a dose of medicine.

妈妈为我量身,要做一套新洋装。Mother measured me for a new dress.

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太深,以至不能测定其深度。Too deep to be fathomed or measured.

人不可以寸量。/人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。Men are not to be measured in inches.

但是,感情是不能用金钱来衡量的。But, love cann't be measured in money.