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我请塞斯顿先生谈谈他成功的秘诀,他说出片段过去的历史。I asked Mr. Thurston to tell me the secret of his success.

我可以相信,瑟斯顿被抛出在街上。I just can believe that Thurston was thrown out in the street.

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瑟斯顿切下这些假脑袋然后把鸟们放进盒子。Thurston cut off these false heads and put the birds in the box.

瑟斯顿安静、勤勉、聪明,象小青年一样漂亮。Thurston was quiet, studious, brilliant and good-looking in a boyish way.

灯光照亮了位于夏威夷火山国家公园的瑟斯顿岩溶洞。Lights illuminate the Thurston Lava Tube in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

大约两小时以后,他们来到汉尔斯顿所熟悉的一间办公室,那是民间婚姻登记的地方。About two hours later they arrived at an office familiar to thurston where civil marriage were registered.

我们不要认为建立这种社交网络是以金钱和获得利益为目的。Thurston started getting into this whole "Internet" thing in simpler times when the social web was called Usenet.

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就好比,如果我告诉你,我的名字叫瑟斯顿,在康涅狄格州格林威治市长大,难道你就会知道我是谁了吗?Like, if I tell you that my name is Thurston and that I grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, will you know who I am?

瑟斯顿说,他预计他的公司将开发出一项使用苹果未来地图软件的服务。Mr. Thurston said he expects his company will develop a version of its service using Apple's future maps software.

沙斯敦经常去他女友的公寓住处,但他总是设法找个理由以免太晚回家。Thurston was in the habit of visiting his girl-friend's apartment from time to time, but always managed to get home at a decent hour with a plausible excuse.

纽约市大都会出租车行业商会得知罗恩·瑟斯顿也是出租车司机后,已支付了朱利安的姐姐克莱尔和罗恩飞往纽约的费用。New York's Metropolitan Taxicab Board of Trade, learning that Ron Thurston was a fellow cabby , had already paid for Julian's sister Claire and Ron to fly to New York.

灯光照亮了位于夏威夷火山国家公园的瑟斯顿岩溶洞。岩溶洞像一个底下管道使熔融岩石从火山下端流走。Lights illuminate the Thurston Lava Tube in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Lava tubes serve as underground pipelines, allowing molten rock to flow under and away from volcanoes.

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这项转让程序的类型是发现,在新泽西州派恩兰和瑟斯顿县,佤,根据州和联邦法律以及根据国家的成长管理的立法后者前者。This type of transfer programme is found in the New Jersey Pinelands and Thurston County, WA, the former under state and federal legislation and the latter under state growth management legislation.

这个瑟斯顿葡萄酒厂非常诚恳地向周围环境致敬,它采用亲环境的材料和语言,用看似正式的元素表达一种非传统的葡萄酒项目。The Thurston Wine House Addition carefully displays a respect for its context through its materiality and its tectonic language while expressing its unconventional program through its formal elements.