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他很可能会说,姚明在进攻上更有统治力。He would probably say that Yao is more dominant offensively.

恩,好消息是,火箭不可能在进攻方面做的更差了。对吧?Well, the good news is the Rockets can't play any worse offensively. Right?

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但是在有点过于慢热的开场之后,火箭在整个晚上的进攻都气势逼人。But after that horribly slow start, the Rockets rolled offensively most of the night.

呃,重力力场对干扰者来说有重要意义,因为这个技能无论在进攻或者防守起来都非常有效。Yup, Force Field is great on the Disruptor because it can be used both offensively and defensively.

他为小牛提供了他们长期在防守端所需的斗志和纪律,同时在进攻端做着贡献。He provides the fight and discipline the Mavs have long needed defensively while also contributing offensively.

事实上,兰多夫无法总结任何如何更好灰熊主教练霍林斯要经营进攻。In truth, Randolph couldn't have summed up any better how Griz coach Lionel Hollins wants to operate offensively.

在拥有专利权之后,制药公司就可以“攻击性”地为潜在竞争对手设置障碍,从而抑制创新。By using patents "offensively" to block potential competitors, drug companies can inhibit innovation, says Correa.

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我认为我在进攻和防守方面都取得了很大进步,而我有信心在下个赛季我将变得更强。I think I have become a lot better offensively and defensively I'm confident that next season I will be even stronger.

“更安全”的金融体系为大多数人确实认为过于膨胀的奖金支付留下了充足余地。A “safer” financial system leaves ample scope for pay packages that most people will rightly regard as offensively inflated.

即使一支球队有好的防守球员,但是一个人不能像承担一支球队的进攻任务一样承担起这个球队的防守。While there are good defensive players, one person can’t carry a defense the same way a player can carry a team offensively.

越雷池一步而不能自拔的女人是绝望还是大胆?是迷人的大胆还是厚颜无耻?Is a woman who makes the first move, or second, or third, considered desperate or daring? Is she charmingly bold or offensively brazen?

我想最值得称赞的是虽然他不断跳投命中但随着比赛的进行他在进攻中看起来更有侵略性。I thought the most encouraging thing was that he looked more aggressive offensively as the game went on even though his jumper was working.

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进攻上,她用那巨大的利爪与攻击性的拇指,以协助打击对手。Offensively she has large, sharp claws to assist with climbing and opposable thumbs to providing better gripping ability against opponents.

由于小斯的表现,太阳的季后赛之旅才会出人意外,而在此之前,小斯被认为是交易的重要对象,他在低位的表现很是强大。Stoudemire was considered to be up for trade talks, until their run in the playoffs thanks to his play. He has been a force down low offensively.

男孩承认两族青少年相处偶尔有不愉快,而且社区的许多人希望学校分班。The boy acknowledged that teens from both ethnic groups have on occasion behaved offensively and that many in the community like having separate schools.

从2007年美洲区奥运预选赛开始,一直到奥运会,科比一直是让队里年轻人来主导进攻。Beginning in the 2007 FIBA Americas tournament, and continuing throughout the Olympics, Bryant had consistently deferred offensively to the younger stars.

如果微软满脑子想的都是进攻的话,它会很快把办公软件投放到网上,创造一个能把广告提供给成千上万专有用户的即时网络。Were it offensively minded, Microsoft would move quickly to put Office on the Web, creating an instant network for delivering ads to millions of captive users.

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“我认为我们在反击和保持前进这方面一度做的很好,”骑士主教练泰伦·卢说,“上半场我们在进攻端有些挣扎。"I thought we did a great job of fighting our way back and staying the course, " Cavs' coach Tyronn Lue said. "In the first half we struggled a little bit offensively.

企图将用户的搜索体验延伸到社交领域的做法既不会有助于在Facebook即将发起的反击中捍卫谷歌已经取得的地位,亦不会为谷歌捕获各种新机会。Adding line extensions to users' search experience will neither defend Google from Facebook's coming attack, nor offensively capture new and emerging opportunities for Google.

我觉得杜兰特也可以那样做,但当然组织能力没有那么强,但防守更好而且进攻更加有才,我喜欢哈登但我还是觉得杜兰特更强。I mean Durant can do that as well but of course not as good at playmaking but a much better defender and more talented offensively. I like Harden but i still think Durant is better.