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总统的最后决定之突然令人吃惊。The President's final decision came with stunning suddenness.

你说认识我是意外,我想是因为我们有缘份吧!You said knowing me was suddenness , but I think it's our destination!

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如果不出意外的话,我们会在中午时分到达此次徒步的终点——玉石矿。We would got at the destination, Bowlder Mine at noon if no suddenness.

你们当中一些人可以期待有新的、突然的关系和机遇。Some of you can expect some suddenness , new opportunities and contacts.

在那地带,突起的风暴几乎是件不可思议的事。The suddenness of storms in that climate is something almost preternatural.

如何通过日常的维护工作降低意外设备故障导致的损失?How to reduce suddenness equipment failures through the maintenance program?

总有一天本人要什么不测消逝后,你会想到本人?。One day i if should anything suddenness disappear, will you between time bethink me?

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是直率它是真正地坚韧的使我审阅那么许多意外和惨厉。To be frank it is really tough for me to go through so many suddenness and wickedness.

公安人员以迅雷不及掩耳之势直捣匪巢。The public security men drove straight to the bandits' den with the suddenness of thunder bolt.

生命本是一场漂泊的漫旅,遇见了谁都是一个美丽的意外。Life is an boundless junketing of extravagate, Whoever you meet that is an beautiful suddenness.

尖锐的叉子及易破的餐具也不宜让幼童使用,以免发生意外。Keen-edged fork and cracky dishware is not suitable for children to use, for fear that suddenness happens.

将不同服务器放置在不同地点,避免发生意外时服务完全中断、重要数据丢失。Place servers at different site to avoid intermit of serve and the lost data when the suddenness had token place.

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远射能力的提高取决于射门的准确性、突然性和射门力量。The improvement of the shooting ability depends on not only the accuracy and suddenness of the shot, but the shooting strength.

“它们超越了意外和灾难的本质,”她说,“孩子们变得很焦虑感觉失控。”"They were overwhelmed by the suddenness and catastrophic nature, " she says. "They had a lot of anxiety and a lot of feeling out of control."

20年前,苏联帝国陨落,一同消亡的还有其思想体系和社会主义制度,故冷战也随之戛然而止。Two decades ago, the Soviet empire and its ideological engine, communism, simultaneously died. Thus ended the Cold War, with unexpected suddenness.

他们认为,如果驾驶员前方车体部分的尺寸能够达到几英尺长,就能消散碰撞产生的能量,降低速度变化的突然性。With several feet of car body in front of the driver, the energy of a crash can be dissipated and the suddenness of the change in velocity can be reduced, they say.

而现实生活的一系列意外打破了他的理想。他像一个思想家那样地思考许多哲学问题,却找不到答案。In real life, a series of suddenness breaks his ideal. From then, he always thinks philosophical questions like the way many thinkers do and finally finds no answer.

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突发事件的突然性、复杂性特点和当前的客观现实决定了我们必须对突发事件实行危机管理。The suddenness and complication of the unexpected accidents and the actualities of the present determines the necessities of our conjunctural management toward the unexpected accidents.

人就如同宇宙中的星星。都有着自己的轨迹。没有意外是不会改变它的轨迹。而我这颗凡星也不在强求事业上的辉煌。Like stars in the universe, people have their own track. They would never change their track if there has nothing suddenness. And I, will no more importune for the resplendence in career.