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我们想要有生气的人干这项工作。We want someone for the job who has lots of pizzazz.

普通的抽屉也给这些空间一点活力。Custom drawers also give this space a little pizzazz.

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这场演出给伦敦西区带来了一些百老汇戏剧的活力。The show brings some broadway pizzazz to london's west end.

四明湖,既有西湖的秀丽又有洞庭湖的潇洒。SiMing Lake has West Lake's beauty and Dong Ting Lake's pizzazz.

如果你吃什么可以补什么的话,那么吃比萨可以让你更精神。If you are what you eat , maybe pizza will give you more pizzazz.

1984年的洛杉矶奥运会上,人们看到的是好莱坞魅力,以及无所不在的民族主义。In 1984, Los Angeles was all Hollywood pizzazz and exuberant nationalism.

蝴蝶结或许看起来有些老气,不过它的确能使你的小礼服化腐朽为神奇。Bows may be so last year but they can give your classic dress some pizzazz.

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当你面对一大堆让人头疼的家务事的时候,不妨来点有有活力和动感的刺激。Do a housework workout. Whenever you have to do those nagging chores, do them with some pizzazz.

随着奥图码PK102口袋式投影机,花哨样式添加到您的新途径,分享生活的内容,既冷静和审慎。With the Optoma PK102 pocket projector, add pizzazz to your life with new ways to share content both cool and critical.

乔布斯被视为是不断领先推出新产品并进行大肆宣传而令公司实现华丽转身的功臣。Mr. Jobs is credited with transforming the company by consistently pioneering new products and marketing them with pizzazz.

但如果一个演讲者,无法传递热情,及对选择主题的热爱,即使已万全准备,这演讲一定是无趣的。But if a speaker doesn't project pizzazz and show devotion to her topic, the speech may still fall flat on its well-prepared face.

应该投入更多精力在美国每季度盈利最多的苹果实体店上。Ms Ahrendts should add pizzazz to Apple's bricks-and-mortar shops, which are the most profitable in America measured by sales per square foot.

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当你穿上合体的牛仔裤,登上展现腿部曲线的高梆靴子,潇洒帅气的形象绝对让人过目难忘。Your long legs look fabulous in leggings and tights, and when you wear form-fitting jeans, put on some slinky high-heeled boots to add to your pizzazz.

为了驱散阴沉的天气,人们希望2009年春季能带来一些生气与活力。下面是一些名流会聚的时尚活动。As an antidote to a gloomy climate, expect spring 2009 to usher in sparkle and pizzazz. Here are some shimmery looks seen recently on celebrities and the runways alike.

眼下人民有参与国事的权党对选举热忱不高,因此米歇尔试着在密尔沃基的募集捐款活动中加点儿料,她穿了一条洋红连衣裙,还戴上了耀眼的项链。With Democrats suffering from an 'enthusiasm' gap, Mrs Obama tried to inject some pizzazz into the proceedings at a Milwaukee fund-raiser, wearing a pink dress and a sparkly necklace.

眼下民主党对选举热情不高,因此米歇尔试着在密尔沃基的募捐活动中加点儿料,她穿了一条粉红连衣裙,还戴上了耀眼的项链。With Democrats suffering from an ‘enthusiasm’ gap, Mrs Obama tried to inject some pizzazz into the proceedings at a Milwaukee fund-raiser, wearing a pink dress and a sparkly necklace.