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将尸体放置在尸骸存放屋。Placing dead bodies in a bone room.

开始山式总是从摆放你的脚开始。Always begin Tadasana by placing your feet.

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我们对你儿子实行刑事拘留。We are placing your son in criminal detention.

球员轮流放块板上。Players take turns placing pieces on the board.

“祝此文能于他处另寻高就”,信里说。Good luck placing this elsewhere, the letter read.

她抬起身来,将她的指尖放在他的胸口上。She raises up, placing her fingertips to his chest

将铁放在磁石的旁边,铁将会被磁化。Placing iron next to a magnet will magnetize the iron.

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在鞋里放干茶叶包可以去除鞋里的臭味。Stop smelly shoes by placing dry tea bags inside them.

放置这些标记物的过程很迅速并且无痛苦。Placing of the markers is fast and relatively painless.

让被摄主体处于取景框最中央。Placing your subject always in the middle of the frame.

他蹲坐在地上,一条腿搭到另一条上面。He squatted on the floor placing one leg upon the other.

买了那车就等于把自己变成了某种形式的”奴隶“。Buying that car is placing himself into a form of peonage.

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圆圆的月亮,寄托着人们多少美满生活的梦想。The round moon, placing people how happy living the dream.

在中国投资时,留好退路是关键所在。Planning for an exit is the key when placing money in China.

这通常可以并排放置两个列表框来实现。This is commonly done by placing two listboxes side by side.

你要做的就是把取景框对准你要对焦的点。You pick this point by placing the focus box on the subject.

答辩人说,“有时候把责任是困难的。A respondent says that "Sometimes placing blame is difficult."

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我们很有可能向你方订一大笔货。There is a goods prospect of our placing a big order with you.

下单买股票之前,先查一下卖价。Before placing an order to buy a stock, check the asking price.

在菊花四周铺设覆盖物能防止菊花受冻。Placing mulch around the plants can protect them from the cold.