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这是否会是被视为一个降级?Would it be seen as a demotion?

Tyson是率先提议将冥王星降级的科学家之一。Tyson was one of the first to push for Pluto's demotion.

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蒙塔利在尤文图斯降入乙级时进入了俱乐部高层。Montali was appointed after the club's demotion to Serie B.

关衔降级不适用于二级关务员。Demotion of customs title shall not be applied to Grade Two Customs Officer.

你丈夫最难面对的转变可能就是他在这个家庭当中地位的下降。Perhaps the biggest transformation your husband will face is his demotion in the household.

负责海关关衔的授予、晋级、降级、取消等工作。To be responsible for the awarding, promotion, demotion and cancellation of the customs ranks.

关于李彪而言,降职并不可怕,他等待的是能与林振海有一个真正的比赛。About LiBiao speaking, demotion is not terrible, he waiting for the LinZhenHai has a real with the game.

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该数据是域控制器在环境中运行所必需的,但域控制器降级后就不再使用该数据了。This data is required for the domain controller to operate in the environment, but is retired upon demotion.

降级会削减其价值,从而使哪怕是最自鸣得意的业主也要付出代价才能获得竞争力。Demotion would cut their value, driving even the most complacent owner to do what it takes to get competitive.

唯一的另一个已知的以如此奇怪的角度运行的例子是冥王星,直到它降级为矮行星。The only other known example of such an oddly angled orbit was Pluto, until its demotion to dwarf planet status.

第二十一条人民警察违犯警纪的,可以给予警衔降级的处分。Article 21 The people's police who violate the police discipline may be punished with a demotion in the police ranks.

在尤文降到乙级之后,老妇人拥有的球星成为了欧洲优秀俱乐部追逐的主要对象。Following Juventus' demotion to Serie B, the Old Lady's players have become prime targets for Europe's leading clubs.

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关衔降级的批准权限与原关衔的批准权限相同。The authority for approval of demotion of customs title is the same as that for approval of the original customs title.

警衔降级的批准权限与原警衔的批准权限相同。The limits of authority for approving such demotion in ranks shall be the same as those for approving the original rank.

“拉德在做他自己的工作”,菲尔在被问到拉德马诺维奇被突然降级有何想法时这么回答,他仍是我们的一部分。Vlade is doing his job, " Jackson said when asked about Radmanovic's state of mind since his surprising demotion last week."

聘任制公务员的职务任免与职务升降,另行规定。The appointment, dismissal, promotion and demotion of civil servants in the recruitment system shall be provided for separately.

关衔降级的批准权限与原关衔的批准权限相同。The authority for approval of the demotion of customs title shall be the same as that for approval of the original customs title.

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但是,解除降级、撤职处分的,不视为恢复原级别、原职务。However, the removal of such punishment as demotion or dismissal shall not be deemed as a resumption of the original rank or post.

尽管内德维德先前传出受到热刺和摩纳哥邀请的新闻,但是他最终还是选择了与尤文共患难。Nedved, despite reported offers from Tottenham and Monaco, has opted to stay with the Bianconeri despite their Calciopoli demotion.

我从没想过要里开尤文图斯,即使她降到意已,我也会追随她到底。塔塔在接受自由报的采访时这样说。"I would have never left Juventus, not even after their demotion to Serie B, " said Tacchinardi in an interview to newspaper Libero.