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他很不安地在床上辗转反侧。He tumbled restlessly in his bed.

她翻来覆去地睡不着。She tossed restlessly in her sleep.

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病人焦躁不安地在床上翻来滚去。The patient tumbled restlessly in his bed.

生病的小孩在床上辗转反侧焦躁不安。The sick child tumbled restlessly in his bed.

休比不停地在马地逊广场上的座椅上移动。Soapy moved restlessly on his seat in Madison Square.

我简直不知道说什么好!I don't know what to say!' answered the girl restlessly.

因为患了失眠症,他总是辗转难眠。Because of insomnia, he always tosses and turns restlessly.

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他一刻不安宁地在办公室踱来踱去,两条腿象踩着高跷。He rambled restlessly across his office on legs like stilts.

三四只鸟在栖枝上不安的跳动。Three or four birds were moving restlessly on their perches.

琼一早就跑出去,在大热天里不停地东跑西跑。June went out early, and wandered restlessly about in the heat.

花天的气息,充满了诱惑和躁动。The colored sky breath, filled has enticed and moves restlessly.

他不安地坐在那里,不时地看着手表。He sat there restlessly , looking at his watch from time to time.

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“三道?两道?”学生们在座位上不安地张望着周围。"Three? Two?" The students looked around restlessly in their seats.

这个小男孩被告知站着不要动,但是他却不安分地站在那里。Thee little boy was told to stand still but he stood restlessly there.

“我这地方不错,”他说,眼睛止不住地四处寻视。“I’ve got a nice place here,”he said, his eyes flashing about restlessly.

“我这地方不错,”他说,眼睛止不住地四处寻视。“I’ve got a nice place here, ”he said, his eyes flashing about restlessly.

他们起床时低声的细语,没有让我辗转反侧睡不下去。They get up low whisper, no let me toss and turn restlessly not go to sleep.

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那月儿是那么的明亮,好似那情郎的眼,目不转睛的痴赏着爱人。The moon is so bright, as if it is man's eye that restlessly admiring his lover.

在这里,更多的笼子内挤满四匹或四匹以上不安却又百无聊赖的老虎。Here, bored tigers crammed four or more to a cage, pace restlessly back and forth.

雪莱一家经常到处迁徙,并经受了种种磨难。The Shelleys moved restlessly from place to place, and they suffered much unhappiness.