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这种油漆的光泽很好。This paint has a fine gloss.

他想粉饰他的缺点。He wants to gloss over his mistakes.

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她试图掩盖她过去的缺点。She tried to gloss over her past mistake.

你也可以使用口红或唇彩。You can also apply lipstick or lip gloss.

不要隐讳自己的缺点。One should not gloss over one's shortcomings.

对单个词的注释还常用间注法。The single word gloss was usually interlined.

允许波兰乾燥,然后浅黄色到深光泽。Allow polish to dry, then buff to a deep gloss.

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表面粗糙、低表面光泽度、较高雾度。Rough surface, low surface gloss and high haze.

用于制作高光泽度的水泥基地坪。For the production of high gloss cement base ping.

有时我只是饭后才补涂口红。Sometimes I just gloss my lips after I have the meal.

它暂时的利益是,它已经重新找到它的光泽。Its momentary benefit is that it has refound its gloss.

还有,怎么对付那些喝点水就掉的液体唇彩?And how do you deal with lip gloss that can't hold still?

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适用一次烧、地壁砖,锆白亮印刷釉。Opaque and gloss printing glaze for wall or floor titles.

请不要尝试包括手机图标拥有的光泽。Do not try to include the gloss that the native icons have.

金装持久高度光洁剂可产生闪光、级的抛光效果。Endurance High Gloss leaves A shinier, higher gloss finish.

镜面反射系数,以一个特定的角度测量光泽。Mirror like reflectance, gloss measured at a specific angle.

NYX圆管唇彩是所有性感女孩的必备之物。NYX Girls Round Lip Gloss is a must have for all sexy girls.

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如果可能的话实验亚光,半亚光和铜版纸。If possible experiment with matt, semi-matt , and gloss paper.

高光泽,透明度高,高爽滑。High output, high gloss and good transparency. High slip agent.

训诂学史指训诂学术的历史。Scholiums history refers in particular to the pratice of gloss.