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清润茶对小鼠具有通便作用。Qingrun tea had the cathartic effect in mice.

在使用通便药之前,要向医生询问。Ask or call your surgeon before taking a cathartic.

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我没告诉她其实昏厥就跟泻药一样。I didn’t tell her that swooning was equally cathartic.

一些人用”导泻的“来描述他们的演奏感受。Some people described their playing experience as cathartic.

你们就是协助〖这些像用泻药排毒一样的事件〗的催化剂。You are part of the catalyst assisting in these cathartic moments.

产于东印度的一种决明,具长荚果,含有黑色。East Indian tree having long pods containing a black cathartic pulp used as a horse medicine.

抱怨自己的生活几乎成了一件愉快的事情,有时甚至成了泄愤的途径。It’s almost a pleasurable thing – complaining about your life. It’s sometimes even cathartic.

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这是一个现实,从一开头就严重地限制精神渲泄法的适用范围。This is one fact which at the outset seriously restricts the application of the cathartic method.

相反,享有向朋友抱怨的自由,赫尔德称之为创造性抱怨,却能达到疏泄的效果。Instead, having the freedom to complain to a friend, what Held calls creative kvetching, can be cathartic.

与此同时,湖人队正在用几乎尊敬的语调谈论这场像是一种宣泄的胜利。The Lakers, meanwhile, spoke of their victory as if it were a cathartic event, almost in reverential tones.

大黄是我国著名的特产药材,用药历史悠久,从古至今一直是临床最常用药物之一,以泻下、健胃而著称于世。Rhubarb is a well-known traditional medicinal material used in China as a cathartic and a promoter of gastric health.

写作可以作为一种宣泄压力的手段,它让你终于可以说你在现实生活中不敢大声说出的话。Writing can serve as a form of cathartic stress relief where you finally get to say what you can’t say out loud, in real life.

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说脏话常常是一种发泄——它能帮我们宣泄那些被压抑的生气或者沮丧的感觉,让他们表达出来。Swearing is often cathartic — it often frees us of the feelings of anger or frustration we hold and allows expression for them.

方法建立大鼠“泻剂结肠”模型,并测定其结肠的肌电生理活动变化。Methods The model of rat with "cathartic colon" was established, and the changes of colonic electromyography of the rat was examined.

经过无处不在的大众媒体的传播,承认败选和宣布胜利的礼仪使选举得以在富有升华性的尾声中结束。Communicated by pervasive mass media, the ritual of conceding defeat and declaring victory becomes the election’s cathartic dénouement.

如果你看过深夜电视中喜剧演员讽刺你讨厌的政治人物,你就可以感受到这种愤怒,以及它帮助人宣泄情绪的效果。If you've watched late-night TV as comedians skewer political figures that you loathe, you've felt this anger and its cathartic effects.

叶芝将政治艺术化时,他使之变得感人,在文字上很感人,我想它使人情绪感染,灵魂净化。When Yeats aestheticizes the political, he makes it moving, moving in the literal sense of, I think, emotionally engaging and cathartic.

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探讨增液汤对大黄总蒽醌引起大鼠“泻剂结肠”的治疗机制。Objective To investigate the mechanism of Zeng Ye Decoction on treating rat model of cathartic colon caused by total anthraquinone in rheum.

所谓的「渲泄疗法」是1881到1882年,由约瑟、布鲁尔对于他的病人「安娜、奥」发展的精神病学的治疗方法。The so-called "cathartic method" was a treatment for psychiatric disorders developed during 1881-1882 by Joseph Breuer with his patient "Anna O.

在离婚登记几天前,斋藤友治和妻子美树在东京举办了离婚典礼。他说,砸毁婚戒使。Tomoharu Saito, who took part in Tokyo with his wife Miki days before they were set to file for divorce, said crushing the rings felt cathartic.