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我预料改革会成功。I augur well for the reforms.

不断增加的销售量预示着好年景。Mounting sales augur a profitable year.

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那些暴风雨前的乌云对野餐是个坏兆头。Those stormy clouds augur ill for a picnic.

这种挫折预示伊朗暗淡的前景。Such frustrations augur ill for Iran's future.

但是,产量上扬并不预示着经济繁荣。But an uptick in output does not augur prosperity.

然而,德国的自信预示着两国无疑会走上同一条道路。Yet the new German assertiveness does augur a certain convergence.

裁员、资产价格下跌以及日益恶化的信贷收缩预示消费者的开支也发生问题。Job cuts, slumping asset prices and a worsening credit drought augur ill for consumer spending too.

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占卜所用的材料主要是龟的腹甲和牛的肩胛骨。The breastplate that the data that augur place uses basically is chelonian the bladebone with the ox.

在五月发现的一个大太阳黑子似乎预示着太阳正在恢复正常,然而它却消失了并且带来了“无黑子时期”。In May, a big sunspot seemed to augur a return to normal, but it faded away and sunspotless days returned.

同时奥雷里奥相信下半赛季在国王领导下的状态是下赛季红军有所为的征兆。Meanwhile, Aurelio believes Liverpool's performances over the second half of the season under Dalglish augur well for next term.

在形势严峻时,北京方面恢复价格控制的第一本能反应对鼠年来说未必是好的征兆。That Beijing's first instinct when the going gets tough is to re-institute price controls is a bad augur for the Year of the Rat.

在一场充斥着象征主义的选举中,最明显的预兆来自一个月前,在4月14号,出局的邦宁在那时宣布了他的支持对象。In an election rife with symbolism, themost telling augur came a month ago, on April 14, when the ousted Bunningannounced his endorsement.

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在民意基础上筹组起来的联合政府过渡到一个完全成熟的民主制度呈现好兆头。The formation of a coalition government based on the popular mandate will augur well for the transition to a full-fledged democratic system.

毕竟,人们可以把到这里来看作是领略上流社会生活。他们到这里来,追求的虽然是感官的满足,毕竟算不得邪恶。One might take it, after all, as an augur of the better social order, for the things which they satisfied here, though sensory, were not evil.

鲜红的辣椒在热腾腾的火锅中翻滚,鸡丁鱼片,酥香扣肉,卤猪腿凤爪等预示好兆头的菜摆了满满一桌。Bright Red pepper in the hot pot, hot rolling, chicken fillets, Suxiang stuffed, stewed pork and chicken dishes are well augur well reflect the full.

然而,虽然自由派为这个结果欢呼并以此作为社会进步的标志,但是它不一定预示萨巴赫家族18世纪以来对科威特统治就这么简单。Yet while liberals have cheered the result as a mark of social progress, it does not necessarily augur plain sailing for the al-Sabah family that has ruled Kuwait since the 18th century.