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那小女孩戴着一枚浮雕宝石胸针。That little girl is wearing a cameo brooch.

大卫的客串将在哪一天哪一集播出尚而知。No episode or date of his cameo are mentioned.

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斯塔德迈尔和贝尔也客串亮相。Amaré Stoudemire and Raja Bell have cameo appearances.

我年轻的时候,用一块彩玉镶在几颗珍珠之间就觉得很好了。In my time a cameo set in pearls was thought sufficient.

除了饰演不重要的小配角之外,施瓦辛格的顾问排除了他出演任何其他角色的可能。A Schwarzenegger advisor ruled out anything but a cameo role.

乐趣观看喜剧演员吉尔伯特戈特弗里德幽默客串。Have fun watching a humorous cameo by comedian Gilbert Gottfried.

相声演员郭德纲也在片中客串了一个片段。Crosstalk comedian Guo Degang makes a cameo appearance in the movie.

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有14位新兴国家领导人将列席会议。与中国人共进午餐?As many as 14 leaders from emerging powers will make cameo appearances.

摇滚老将基思理查兹拥有作为杰克船长的父亲客串。Rock and roll veteran Keith Richards has a cameo as Captain Jack's father.

一块贝壳浮雕上展示着一个男子的侧脸令人想起他祖国的轮廓。A cameo shows the profile of a man that suggests the outline of his country.

知名导演陈凯歌曾在哪一部西方电影里客串演小兵?Renowned Chinese director, Chen Kaige has a cameo role in which western movie?

但是,至少有必要在这个世纪里做点力所能及的事情。But there needs to be at least cameo visibility for this model in this century.

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他有向冠军爸爸一样的大脸,它的颜色是渐层凯米尔色,携带银色家族的基因。He has as big face as his father. His color is shadow cameo. Carrying silver color lane.

现在回响起来那场比赛,球迷甚至都和空闲的大卫·希曼开起了玩笑。I recall at one stage of the game, the fans even engaged David Seaman in a little cameo.

我发现斯通也在里边露了脸,扮演一个有钱的金融家。I also spot Stone in a cameo I hadn't noticed before. He's plays a moneyman, a financier.

电影之家,栩栩如生电影院和国宾的一些最佳逛公园的城市。The Film House, the Cameo Cinema and the Odeon are some of the best movie houses in the city.

老师们客串“先生”,为新生擂鼓、主持入学仪式。The teachers played a cameo role at the ceremony as tutors and played a drum for their students.

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合资公司将下运作浮雕内蒂的名字,并在智利圣地亚哥位置。The joint venture will operate under the name of Cameo Marinetti and is located in Santiago, Chile.

客串演出的集合是腐朽的,但成熟,内衣的独家高了一步。The Cameo Collection is decadent but sophisticated, and takes exclusivity in lingerie a step higher.

迪乌夫的首演时上周末在圣安德鲁斯球场,当时他在曼联1-1平局的时候替补出场。Diouf's debut came last weekend at St. Andrew's, where he was handed a late cameo in the Reds' 1-1 draw.