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诡辩改变不了事实。Sophistry won't alter facts.

诡辩改变不了历史。Sophistry cannot alter history.

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我的体内没有任何诡辩There is no sophistry in my body

他靠诡辩赢了那场争论。He won the argument by sophistry.

强词夺理不能折服人。No one can be persuaded by sophistry.

当然,这样的说法有狡辩之嫌。Of course, this argument seems a sophistry.

诡辩是一种特殊的负面思维形式。Sophistry is a kind of special negative thought.

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不要听信这些既得利益者的诡辩。Do not listen to this sophistry by vested interests.

那就将它付之一炬,因为它含有的不过是诡辩和幻想。For it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.

有人说它符合国情,这是狡辩!It was in line with national conditions, this is sophistry !

又一个声音诡辩地说,都不对,煤,是蓝色的。Also a voice sophistry to say that is not right, coal, and is blue.

抓基础管理一定要强调务实,来不得半点虚假和浮躁。We must emphasize basic management pragmatic, no sophistry is allowed and rash.

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他把想与梦的同生性,发展成为等同性就是诡辩了。He would like to dream the same by nature to develop into equivalence is the sophistry of the.

辩证法,不论东西方,在它产生之时,都与诡辩论有着难解难分的联系。Dialect, oriental or occidental, as it came into being, was well nigh inseparable with sophistry.

诡辩是一种曲解事实、违反逻辑的论证,运用仿拟修辞来破斥诡辩,既诙谐、幽默,又能达到克敌致胜的目的。This paper introduces an rhetoric technique which is humorous and effective and can be used to refute sophistry.

诡辩论的实质就是形而上学,却常冒充辩证法。Dialectics is antagonist to metaphysics, while metaphysics is the essence of sophistry which often poses as dialectics.

这是对于异化的彰显,在虚假性的消费文化中揭示出消费文化的虚假性。He aims to highlight the heterogeneity and reveal the sophistry in the consumption culture through the fake consumption culture.

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“他称之为花言巧语或者诡辩术,”法兰克福先生说,“并且视哲学为花言巧语和诡辩术的最大的敌人。”"He called it rhetoric or sophistry," Mr. Frankfurt said, "and regarded philosophy as the great enemy of rhetoric and sophistry."

“他称之为花言巧语或者诡辩术,”法兰克福先生说,“并且视哲学为花言巧语和诡辩术的最大的敌人。”"He called it rhetoric or sophistry, " Mr. Frankfurt said, "and regarded philosophy as the great enemy of rhetoric and sophistry."

此同行制看起来与常理完全相悖,是让彭加莱受不了的某种诡辩。The existence of such a buddy system seems utterly at odds with common sense — it’s the sort of sophistry that made Poincaré recoil.