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铁树很少开花。Sago cycas seldom blossoms.

绿豆,薏苡仁,甘草,西谷米。Green Bean, Coix Seed, sweet root, sago.

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西米加入芒果汁和芒果粒。Add sago into mango juice and diced mango.

烧开一锅水,将西米用水清洗一下,入滚水锅中。Bring 400ml water to boil and add in the taro and sago.

西米粉是由印度当地的西米椰子做的淀粉。Sago is starch obtained from sago palms, native of India.

我们看见流星飞过,看铁树开花。We saw the meteors flew past, saw the sago cycads flowered.

冰爽摩摩喳喳,芋头,红薯,豆,西米和冷椰奶。Boiled taro, sweet potato, beans, sago in cold coconut milk.

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曲纹紫灰蝶是苏铁上一种新害虫。Chilades pandava is a new kind of insect harmful to sago cycas.

有些人以玉米,木薯,西米,红薯为主食。Some people consum corn, cassava, sago or sweet potato as staple food.

美丽的庭院设计和成熟的果树,西米棕榈树和后院露台。Beautiful landscaped with mature fruit trees, sago palms and rear patio.

南瓜蛋花西米露能有效的消炎止痛,补中益气,解毒杀虫。Pumpkin egg sago helps in anti-inflammatory analgesic and insecticide detoxification.

菲律宾的豆花会加红糖浆、西米或者木薯球。In the Philippines it is served warm with a dark brown syrup and sago or tapioca balls.

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然后将西米倒入筛中过冷水,再将西米倒入模型杯中定型及冷却。Strain the sago and rinse with cold tap water. Put sago into moulds and leave them to cool.

由于气候和地形的原因,攀枝花还保留了世界上面积最大的一片原始苏铁林。Thanks to the climate and terrain, this area has the world's largest acreage of sago palms.

为了迎接进入科罗威国的首批游客,当地人为他们准备了Sago棕榈叶幼虫盛宴。A sago grub feast arranged for one of the first groups of tourists to enter Korowai country.

砍掉的Sago棕榈叶滋养了大量摩羯虫卵,当地人最爱的食物。Felling sago palms to become infested with the larvae of capricorn beetles, a favorite food.

西米浸菠菜汁后要先沥乾多馀菠菜汁,避免炸虾时溅油。Drain dry the sago after soaking the spinach juice to avoid oil spills when deep-frying the shrimps.

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兰德尔。麦科伊,西弗吉尼亚州萨戈煤矿爆炸事故中唯一的一名幸存者已于星期四出院。Randal Mccloy, the sole survivor in the Sago Mine explosion in West Virginia left the hospital Thusday.

最后加入西米,续煲约5分钟,可伴以椰汁冻或热食。Lastly put in sago , continue to simmer for about another 5 minutes. Serve hot or cold with coconut milk.

西米放水煮大约30分钟直到软掉。从水中捞出并加入冷水,使其冷却。Sago put into boiling water to boil about 30minutes until soft. Filter out water and put into cold water, let cool down.