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我们小心翼翼不敢冒犯这位要人。We were careful not to offend his nibs.

他们小心翼翼,不敢冒犯这位大人。They were careful not to offend his nibs.

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这里是金笔和铱金笔。Here are some pens with gold or iridium nibs.

那位大人物吃饭有酒喝,我们只有水。His nibs has wine with his meal-we get water.

“我希望他是只白老鼠。”尼布斯说。I wish he had been a white rat, " said Nibs ."

现在你能在许多食品杂货店里找到这种磨碎的可可粉。You can find cocoa nibs at many grocery stores these days.

可可粒的碎粒是生产巧克力的最基本原料。The nibs are the basic product used for chocolate production.

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请转告那位大人,我们想请他帮助刷锅洗碗!Please tell his nibs that we'd like his help with the washing-up!

工人们把种子碾成称之为巧克力液体的软的物质。Workers crush the nibs into a soft substance called chocolate liquor.

书法软化和干燥注册标记比书法笔的笔尖更快。Calligraphy markers soften and dry up faster than the nibs for calligraphy pens.

它一圈又一圈地旋转,将可可豆磨成叫做可可溶液的液体状态。And it just spins round and round and grinds the nibs into liquid called coco liquor.

可以在一些较好的保健食品商店里买到。Cacao nibs are unsweetened, somewhat unusual in taste and can be found in better health food stores.

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若使用可可粉,则在每个模具底层撒大约半茶匙,备用。Sprinkle about half a teaspoon of the cocoa nibs onto the bottom of each ramekin, if using. Set aside.

大溪地香草豆注入香滑白巧克力精制而成,外层配以牛奶巧克力并饰以甘香松脆的可可果肉。Exotic vanilla from Tahiti infused in a delectable, creamy white chocolate base, topped with rugged cocoa nibs.

豆的外壳被删除,和内心的可可豆肉是断成所谓的小件“磨碎可可豆。”The outer shell of the beans is removed, and the inner cocoa bean meat is broken into small pieces called "cocoa nibs."

事实上,油气水沿管路共流过程中,特别是经油嘴、阀门等管件时受到剧烈扰动,混输管路的液相大都是原油乳状液。The liquid is mostly the crude oil emulsion when oil-gas-water mixture pasts through the pipeline, especially oil nibs , valves.

研究所吸引25位海外高级科学家全职回国工作,在生命科学研究上步入国内外同领域前列。Under his leadership, NIBS has 25 top overseas Chinese scientists in full-time work, standing at the frontier of global biological research.

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“当你拿起一粒可可豆,用手掰开,你得到的是可可豆瓣”托雷斯称”…不含糖份,富含有抗氧化剂“"When you take cocoa bean and break it between your hands, you get the nibs, " Torres said. "The nibs don't contain any sugar and are full of antioxidants. "

由于1828年水压机的发明,人们有可能从可可豆瓣中压出可可油,留下了一个干的糕饼,再将其粉碎成可可粉。With the invention of a hydraulic press in 1828, it became possible to press the cocoa butter from the nibs , leaving a dry "cake" that was pulverized into cocoa powder.

烘焙完成后,可可豆被装入一个扬谷器,去除可可豆的硬壳,并按可可粒碎粒的大小分类。Following the roasting process, the beans are loaded into a machine known as the winnower, which removes the hard outer hulls and separates the " nibs " of the beans by size.