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“我们现在喝我们自己的啤酒。”他说着,摇了摇手中的塞尔维亚啤酒。We'll drink our own beer now' he said, cradling a Serbian beer.

他努力地作出了个笑容,抱起大书坐了下来。He smiled with effort, and cradling the book, he seated himself.

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他站在那儿,手里的礼物看着又大又怪。He stood cradling what looked to be an enormous, misshapen gift.

它把这颗受伤的头颅揽进怀中,让阳光抚摸这张cradling in his arms the wounded head, letting the sunlight touch

今年秋天,在窗帘的销售装运也随之增长的季节,这些“蘑菇”材料已经登场亮相。The ‘shrooms made their debut this fall cradling shipments of window blinds.

布鲁克斯站在一把椅子上,在窗口的栅栏前踌躇,手里握着杰克。Brooks stands on a chair, poised at the bars of a window, cradling Jake in his hands.

许多居民只是站在破碎的家园旁,将他们的财物抱在怀里。Many residents simply stood beside their wrecked homes, cradling possessions in their arms.

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环状的绳子、带子或链子,用于支撑、架起或提升某物,尤指。A looped rope, strap, or chain for supporting, cradling , or hoisting something, especially.

眉毛描得非常漂亮的苏克瑞亚注视着前方,手里还拿着一支钢笔。Shukria with finely pencilled eyebrows, gazing into the distance, cradling a pen in her hand.

玛丽亚,抱着他儿子的尸体,是艺术中的普遍主题,称为“神”或“神性”。Mary, cradling the dead body of her Son, is a common motif in art, called a "piet? or "piety".

无边无际的平原,高大的安第斯山若隐若现,环抱着这片酷似舞台前景的平原。Just an endless plain with the High Andes cradling and looming over it, like a proscenium arch.

提彬坐在靠背长沙发上,把那个木盒揽在膝盖上.慢慢地欣赏着镶在盒盖上的那朵精美的玫瑰。Teabing sat on the divan, cradling the wooden box on his lap and admiring the lid's intricate inlaid Rose.

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在泰国,2004年,一位母亲因为一个晚上照顾濒临死亡的女儿而被感染致死。In Thailand, a mother was killed by the virus in 2004 after cradling her dying infected daughter all night.

所以,当盲人、残疾乞丐或抱着婴儿的母亲伸手向他要钱时,他从来不给。So he never responds when a blind or crippled beggar or a mother cradling her baby holds out a hand for money.

他的手有她四倍那么大,慢慢地伸出来握住这双小手,这双小手好像是躺在摇篮中两只奇异的小鸟。His hands, four times as large, reached out slowly and clasped them as though they were cradling two tiny exotic birds.

她头戴冠冕,左臂抱个孩子,金袍上饰有水果谷物图案。Dressed in robes of gold wrought with images of fruit and grain, she wore a crown while cradling a child in her left arm.

灵长类雌性动物在携抱婴儿时会表现出一种方向偏好,同时,婴儿在吸乳时也会表现出方向偏好。Females have displayed laterality of cradling and carrying their babies, while babies have also showed their nipple preference in primates.

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她的共和党竞争对手在11月的选举活动中贴出了画有抱着冲锋枪形象的海报,并举行了一场以枪为主题的募集活动。Her Republican opponent in the November election, whose campaign poster showed him cradling an assault rifle, held a gun-themed fund-raiser.

其中最出名的是“白衣女士”,一个总是穿着白色连衣裙的年轻女人,胳膊里摇着一个婴儿。The most famous of these is the “White Lady,” the ghost of a young woman who is always seen in a white dress, often cradling a baby in her arms.

定身魔法解除后,他发现自己正躺在母亲的怀里。“哦,我的宝贝!”她哭道,搂住宾克的头来回摇晃。“他们弄伤你了吗?”As the stun abated, he had found himself in his mother's arms. "Oh my baby! " she cried, cradling his head against her bosom. "Did they hurt you?"