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他尿湿了裤子。He wet his pants.

穿上你的裤子。Put your pants on.

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接着穿这条裤子。Next are the pants.

瞧瞧你的裤子!Look at your pants now!

我是胖了,裤子就穿不下的人。I am fat, not wear pants.

妳又尿裤子了。You wet your pants again.

^-^这些是你婴儿时穿白勺衣服。These are your baby pants.

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那个小男孩尿裤子了。The little boy wet his pants.

我的黄色短裤已经穿坏了。My yellow pants have worn out.

现在快离开你的被窝,懒虫!Now get out of bed lazy pants.

这条裤子是棉制的吗?Are these pants made of cotton?

宝宝尿湿提醒尿裤。Baby wet diaper pants reminded.

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让你的袜子搭你的裤子。Match your socks to your pants.

我也是,我也喜欢那些裤子。Me too. And I like those pants.

皮裤和皮裙。leather pants and leather skirt.

他开始解裤子上的纽扣。He started to unbutton his pants.

新裤子乐队将于独音唱片签售!New Pants will be at Indie Music!

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真希望马大帅还是穿着裤子跑。We'd prefer he kept his pants on.

他在我的裤子位子上碰撞我.He hit me on the seat of my pants.

他的裤子在膝盖处鼓鼓囊囊的。His pants were baggy at the knees.