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它是纯洁的吗?Is it pure?

是全毛的吗?Is it pure wool?

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她非常纯真。She is very pure.

这是纯羊毛的吗?Is this pure wool?

这些领带,它们都是纯丝的。They’re pure silk.

什么是纯滚动呢?What is pure roll?

她是一个纯洁的女孩。She is a pure girl.

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这是个纯节奏This is pure rhythm.

没有事。这是真丝绢。No. This is pure silk.

这是纯属巧合吗?Is it pure coincidence?

这是真丝的。It’s made of pure silk.

那简直是胡说八道。That is pure poppycock.

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纯粹是假造事实。It is a pure fabrication.

她是一个纯真无邪的姑娘。She is a pure young girl.

冰清玉洁雪样白。As pure and white as snow.

我肯定那是赤金的。I'm sure that's pure gold.

水仙花太纯洁了。That daffodil is too pure.

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他们的相见纯属偶然。They met by pure accident.

这质地是纯毛的吗?Is this material pure wool?

它是纯银做的。It's made from pure silver.