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那个要人彬彬有礼,是一位毫不摆架子的人。That important man is very unassuming in his manner.

像麦道夫一样,克鲁格是一个有些缺乏个性而又很谦逊的人。Like Madoff, Kreuger was somewhat colorless and unassuming.

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落日余晖勾勒出的是西湖不变的宁静与质朴。Under the sunset glow, the West Lake appears more quiet and unassuming.

科学技术的进步可以借助微不足道的跳板来实现。Advances in science and technology can launch from unassuming springboards.

然而,许多人认为,她最大的魅力在于她不装腔作势的个性。However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her unassuming persona.

不止于此,季先生广受爱戴的原因还在于他谦逊的个性。Ji won affection from general public also for his unassuming personality and humility.

这是该死的谦逊和容易到达的范围内准备好您的网上最喜爱的电影。It is darned unassuming and within easy reach to ready for your favorite movies online.

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在我的生活里,经常发现那种真实、不矫柔做作那才是真正的性感。It might be a sexy mind. In my life i have often found the unassuming prove to be truly sexy.

周总理是那样谦逊、随和、易于接近,使大家很快就不紧张了。Modest, unassuming , easy to approach, Premier Zhou soon put everyone there completely at ease.

这些事情丝毫没有影响到他毫不矫饰的谦逊态度,也没有减退他内心的热情和慷慨。None of these affected his unassuming modesty or diminished the warmth and generosity of his heart.

谦逊的女人无论怎样被宠爱都不会变成母狮子。A natural unassuming woman whom they have been doing their best to spoil by making a lioness of her.

温馨,开朗,友善,还有不装腔做势的友谊,正在日常公共生活的接触中消失。Warmth, openness, kindness, and unassuming friendliness are vanishing from everyday public contacts.

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这位低调的分卫01年从阿肯色州出来,一些人对乔的信物并没有什么深刻的印象。An unassuming shooting guard out of Arkansas in '01, some weren't overly impressed with Joe's pledge.

它的目标是装载、管理Cayenne的运行时,但在其他方面都尽量不作为。It's goal is to load and manage the Cayenne runtime, but otherwise to stay as unassuming as possible.

树人书店的门面看来不怎样,主人却有一箩筐故事。The storefront at the Shu Jen bookstore looks unassuming enough, but the owner has a basketful of stories.

这座崭新的建筑将取代那座谦逊的红砖建筑。The gleaming new building will replace a squat and unassuming red-brick structure that once housed a hotel.

然而,这位来自苏格兰小镇的随和大婶鲍以尔所主导的领域远不止在线视频领域。But it's not just in online video where Boyle, the unassuming woman from a tiny Scottish town, has dominated.

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一个不起眼的中年男子从售票亭里换取了大把游乐券,递给一群迫不急待的孩子。An unassuming middle-aged man turns from a ticket booth to pass a handful of tickets to a group of eager kids.

尽管外表毫不起眼,周末夜里,年轻男子组成长长的、排队等待进入的人龙却泄漏了秘密。Despite its unassuming exterior, the long lines of young men waiting for entry on most weekend nights are a giveaway.

微小的长春花属植物的根和叶子可产生一些大自然的最复杂的化学物质。Some of nature's most complicated chemistry takes place in the shoots and leaves of the tiny, unassuming periwinkle plant.