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专利产品,侵权必究Arriving!Patented product, no infringement allowed.

蛀虫豆受虫侵害的咖啡豆。Moth bean coffee by the infringement insects.

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如果我们侵犯了专利权会怎么样?What happens if we have a patent infringement?

应当避免任何侵犯这种精神的行为。Any infringement of this spirit should be avoided.

白倍频无侵犯版权之意。The White Octave No copyright infringement intended.

谁又能裁决是否有侵权发生了?And who would decide whether infringement had occurred?

论文中并未载有侵犯版权的资料。It dosen't contain any material on copyright infringement.

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无侵犯版权之意。No copyright infringement intended For entertainment purpos.

这是远离协助及教唆他人侵犯版权。That is far from aiding and abetting copyright infringement.

那项法令完全侵犯了我们的公民权。That law is an out-and-out infringement of our ci vil rights.

第四部分,不法侵害的基准。Chapter 4 researches the criteria of the illegal infringement.

1996年的“碧纯”水侵权案就是典型的关联公司之间的诉讼。Pitt pure water infringement suit in 1996 is the typical case.

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第二部分,不法侵害的限定。Chapter 2 researches the delimitation of the illegal infringement.

在第一时间起诉了福特。The A.L.A.M. wasted no time in suing Ford for patent infringement.

你知道,政府是唯一侵犯个人自由的实体吗?You know, is government the only infringement on personal liberty?

违反公路法、版权法及侵犯他人的隐私。An infringement of the highway code, of copyright, of sb's privacy.

还可能存在“故意侵权”的附加风险。There's also the added risk of something called "willful infringement."

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专利能够产生效果是由于侵犯专利会带来后果。Patents only work because there are consequences from their infringement.

在查封侵权产品时,上海海关需要什么证据?What kind of evidence do you need to seize goods for patent infringement?

它要求法院阻止所谓的侵权和赔偿它的损失。It wants the court to block the alleged infringement and award it damages.