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在这三天里还没有售出的印度煎饼的数量是多少?How many roti canai were not sold in three days?

在这三天里还没有售出的印度煎饼的数量是多少?How many roti canai sold altogether in three days?

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表1显示印度煎饼在三天里的销售量。Table 1 shows the sales of roti canai in three days.

唉,还在读书呢?很晚啦!一起去吃吧!那。Eh, still studying ah? Very late leh! Go and makan together lah! The roti.

在锅中扫油,用小火将饼烘至两边金黄即可食用。Brush some oil in the pan, Roast the roti in low heat until golden and crispy on both side, serve.

三个人走进来,其中两个用枪抵住罗迪的颈项,把他押进厕所,锁在里面。Three men entered. Two of them pushed guns into Roti 's neck, marched him to a washroom and locked him up.

那件历时三分钟的抢劫案使罗迪丧失了事业、住宅、积蓄和几乎所有的财产。The three-minute robbery had cost Roti his business, his home, his savings, and practically all his possessions.

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ROTI可以作为由小尺度不规则结构引起闪烁出现的指示剂。ROTI can be regarded as an indicator of the present of scintillation causing small-scale ionospheric irregularities.

这种食物看上去尝上去都和印度烤饼及其类似,印度飞饼是经过抛接、翻转、再抛接,然后在烤盘上加热而成的。Looks and tastes like Indian naan, roti prata is flipped and turned and flipped again before it's heated over a grill plate.

迫使村民使用太阳能灶做烤肉,其所引起的理性和非理性的抵制等同于告诉一个意大利人微波炉做出来的意大利焗饭同样美味。Urging these villagers to make roti in a solar cooker meets the same mix of rational and irrational resistance as telling an Italian that risotto tastes just fine if cooked in the microwave.