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现压鱿鱼丝男人。Pressed shredded squid man.

乌贼炖汤味道很好。The squid stew tasted good.

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你有试过章鱼眼睛吗?Have you ever tried squid eyes?

巨头鲸靠吃鱿鱼为生。The sperm whale feeds on squid.

把杂菜酿入鱿鱼筒内。Stuff mixed vegetables in squid.

海豚喜欢吃鱼和小乌贼。They like to eat fish and squid.

墨鱼,墨鱼汁,小番茄。Squid, squid ink, cherry tomatoes.

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结果那个人就把那只鱿鱼给烤了。Result that person for roasted that squid.

顺便报告一下,鱿鱼已经有阵子没来拜访我了。I haven't gotten any more squid on deck recently.

向中国市场出口加州笔管鱼及带鱼。Export California squid and ribbon fish to China market.

这一发现将会超出乌贼生物学的理解。The findings may have implications beyond squid biology.

今晚,而且只有今晚,白色墨鱼将交配。Tonight, and only tonight, the opalescent squid will mate.

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它们还吃头足纲动物,包括鱿鱼和章鱼。They also eat animal cephalopods, including squid and octopus.

勺内加原汤勾芡淋明油浇在乌贼上。Shaonei plus soup thicken pour out the oil poured on the squid.

章鱼和鱿鱼的祖先都是早期的贝壳类生物。The octopus and squid descended from earlier creatures with shell.

海参、鱼肚、鱿鱼均必须发透至软。Sea cucumber, fish maw, squid must be made transparent to the soft.

在我走进驾驶舱的时候,我发现了一条正直瞪着我看的鱿鱼!I walked into the cockpit and therewas a squid there looking up at me!

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因此巨头鲸就只得利用声波来寻找鱿鱼。The sperm whale therefore has to look for the squid using sound waves.

防癌可常选择食用沙丁鱼、青鱼、黄鱼、墨鱼等。Cancer can often choose food, sardines, herring, fish, squid and so on.

我们吃的是放了牛肉、虾子、鱿鱼和各种蔬菜的火锅。We had a fire pot with beef, shrimp, squid and all kinds of vegetables.