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在芝加哥商业交易所?At the Chicago Mercantile Exchange?

旧金山和纽约是美国的重要商港。San Francisco and New York are important mercantile ports in America.

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纽约商品交易所于1983年开始交易石油期货。The New York Mercantile Exchange began trading oil futures in nineteen eighty-three.

另除一般的工商登记、记帐报税服务外,中小企业对于税务规划之委外需求重视度最高。Other then mercantile registry, accounting and tax services, SMEs outsource most of their tax administration.

黑客技术已经被赋予浓重的商业内涵,总体来讲,这种行为已经被正式宣布为非法行为。Hacking has been given mercantile connotation and in general, this activity has been officially declared illegal.

芝家哥商品交易所于2002年末成为了美国第一家公开交易所。The Chicago Mercantile Exchange became the first publicly traded exchange in the United States at the end of 2002.

在雅文战役350多年前,当时运输业和商业的领导力量成立了贸易联盟。It was founded more than 350 years before the Battle of Yavin by the leading transport and mercantile forces of the era.

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关于水的脚舔墙在码头前在曼哈顿下城的纽约商品交易所。About a foot of water lapped over the wall of the marina in front of the New York Mercantile Exchange in lower Manhattan.

晚清时期,重商思想已成为广泛的社会思潮,并具有鲜明的实践特色。During late-Qing period, the mercantile thinking had been a wide social thought, which having a vivid practical character.

美国轻质低硫原油六月的交货跌落13美分收于美元58.50一桶在纽约商品交易所。U. S. light crude oil for June delivery fell 13 cents to settle at dollar 58.50 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

1980——1984年期间,贾思奇在芝加哥商业交易所交易量特别大,所以他出名了。Gamsky was trading serious-sized money across the Chicago Mercantile Exchange from 1980 to 1984, making a big name for himself.

在纽约商业交易所,四月份交货的轻油价格上涨1.19美元,稳定在80.87美元每桶。Light, sweet crude for April delivery gained 1.19 dollars to settle at 80.87 dollars a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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不过,随着越吹越大的泡沫最终造成一场深刻的衰退,美国人对于这种商人把戏的耐心也走到了尽头。But with the resulting bubble contributing to a deep recession, US tolerance for this mercantile sleight of hand has come to an end.

海事处辖下的商船海员管理处为本港海员注册,规管并监督其在船上的雇用事宜。The Marine Department's Mercantile Marine Office registers Hong Kong seafarers and regulates and supervises their engagement on board ships.

美国贸易公司贮存并加工一些食品配料,然后出售给饮食调味料及药茶生产企业。American Mercantile stores and processes food ingredients, which are then sold to and used in the dietary supplement and herbal tea industries.

突然间,教师就好像美国芝加哥商业交易所的楼层每个人都在交易潮中交换玉米的期货交易合同。And suddenly, the classroom was like the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, with everybody swapping corn-futures contracts in a trading frenzy.

一个瘦小的人影站在美利坚第一商业银行和罗塞利广场高耸入云的幢幢建筑物前胡安尼塔努理兹还在等公共汽车。Juanita nunez-a tiny figure against the soaring city block complex of first mercantile american bank and rosselli plaza was still waiting for her bus.

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5月18日,香港商品交易所将推出黄金期货合约,此合约以美元报价并在香港进行实物交收。On May 18th the brand-new Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange will begin trading a dollar-denominated futures contract tied to the physical delivery of gold.

他的存在已经做了大量工作,以平静的关系,特别是作为同样,英国的商品设计,对世界贸易,应该理所当然地成为荷兰!His presence has done much to calm relations, especially as the equally- mercantile British have designs on world trade that should rightfully be Dutch!

我可以预感,你以后将成为商界的明星,希望到时我能跟着你沾光。I can prepare sensibility, you hereafter will chance the star of mercantile circles, hope that I can emulate you to share in reflected honor by that period.