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教派主义是什么意思?What do I mean by sectarianism?

现在我来进二进宗派主义的间题。Let me now speak about the question of sectarianism.

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这种激进的教派主义的成因是什么呢?In fact--so now what is the cause of this radical sectarianism?

正如伊拉克的苦难已经揭示出的,宗派主义是一个危险的精灵。As Iraq's agony has made clear, sectarianism is a dangerous genie.

伊拉克政府称这些频道传播暴力和宗派主义。The Iraqi government says the channels promoted violence and sectarianism.

结束一切形式的宗派主义和所有教派的恐吓,袭击和杀害。An end to all forms of sectarianism and all sectarian intimidation, attacks and killings.

不过汤米-麦克姆一直尽力想把他对故土的爱从宗派主义中独立开来。But Tommy Makem tried always to separate his love of country from the horrors of sectarianism.

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主教基斯奥布莱恩表示,1701年设立的嗣位法束缚了限制宗教主义。Cardinal Keith O'Brien said the Act of Settlement of 1701 was hampering efforts to curb sectarianism.

在这一言论之前,第一部长亚历萨尔蒙德形容宗教主义是足球比赛中的拖后腿。His comments came after First Minister Alex Salmond described sectarianism as a parasite in the game of football.

还有,随着美国人种多样性不断加剧,宗教主义带来的危险是历来最高的。Moreover, given the increasing diversity of America's population, the dangers of sectarianism have never been greater.

今天的美国人都确知,他们的公立学校是免费的,是向所有人开放的,而且没有宗教色彩。Americans today count on their public schools to be free of expense, open to all, and devoid of religious sectarianism.

踢宗派主义和种族主义的运动,每个人都必须有权参加体育活动,而不必担心恐吓。Kick sectarianism and racism out of sport -everyone must have the right to participate in sports without fear of intimidation.

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这些谋杀的动机尚不清楚,但是宗教和政治派别显然扮演了一个重要的角色。Also unknown are the motives for the killings, but religious and political sectarianism appear to be playing a significant role.

在更广泛的意义上说,但是,“宗派主义”是指历史过程,所有的世界主要宗教部门来约。In a broader sense, however, "sectarianism" denotes the historical process by which all the divisions in major world religions have come about.

这对传承这些医家的理论思想,指导临床医生的工作,具有十分重要的意义。It is extremely significant in inheriting and developing these doctors′ academic thoughts without sectarianism , which will help to guide the clinical works.

我也不想硬说,只要最无限制地使用发表一切意见的自由就能制止宗教上或哲学上宗派主义的祸害。I do not pretend that the most unlimited use of the freedom of enunciating all possible opinions would put an end to the evils of religious or philosophical sectarianism.

但是,也有说恐怖的宗派主义。虽然政治家上方走到了一起,在地面上的宗派主义已经扩大,特别是年轻人。But there is also the added horror of sectarianism. While the politicians at the top have come together, on the ground sectarianism has widened, especially amongst young people.

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如果认为这种说法有门户之见之嫌,那看看中国乒坛的大满贯,除刘国梁外就是孔令辉和邓亚萍了。If thought that this view has suspicion of the sectarianism , that has a look at the Chinese ping-pong world all-inclusive, besides Liu Guoliang was Kong Linghui and Deng Yaping.

在基督教历史上的例子,因为,宗派主义是近年流行的时代主题,从Judaizers和尼哥拉一党人的NT以新兴教派的许多新的。In the history of Christianity, for example, sectarianism is a prevalent theme from the Judaizers and Nicolaitans of the NT to the many new denominations emerging in recent times.

为建立一个新党的工人阶级基础上的工会,青年和真正的社会团体,可以联合起来的工人阶级人民反对宗派主义和资本主义。For the establishment of a new party of the working class based on the trade unions, youth and genuine community groups that could unite working class people against sectarianism and capitalism.