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研制了一种测量钻井液活度的电子湿度计。An electronic hygrometer for measuring drilling fluid activity is developed.

介绍一种用于病人监护仪的光纤湿度传感器的设计。Tbis paper presents the design of a kind of fiber optic hygrometer using in patient monitor.

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氯化锂露点湿度计较其它型式的湿度计,有很多优点。The lithium chloride dew-point hygrometer has many advantages over other types of hygrometer.

鉴于此,本文对基于单片机的温湿度计系统进行了相关研究。In view of this, this paper, based on single-chip temperature hygrometer system related research.

此方法将湿度的检测转换为干、湿球的温度测量,提高了湿度检测的精度。The thesis presents a method of the wet and dry bulb hygrometer to measure improved precision of humidity.

研究了用湿度计作传感器的湿度自动控制系统。A humidity automatic control system with a hygrometer as the sensor for spectral instrument room was studied.

介绍了一种实用型教学用露点仪。该设备价格便宜,直观性强,具有很好的教学效果。The practical dew point hygrometer for teaching purpose is introduced in the paper as having low price and good teaching effect.

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露点仪的种类繁多,且冷却方式、露点检测方法各不相同。Various kinds of dew point hygrometer emerge rapidly, and their cooling methods and dew point test methods diverse from each other.

从湿度测量的原理出发,采用HF3223湿度传感器设计了一种数字显示湿度计电路。Based on the principle of humidity measurement, a kind of digital hygrometer circuit was designed by adopting HF3223 humidity sensor.

本发明提供能够减轻维护时所需的作业负担并能够简化结构的湿度计及露点计。To provide a hygrometer and a dew-point instrument that can be structurally simplified while reducing the workload of their maintenance.

如果没有,请放心,在购买时可能需要使用木材湿度计湿度测试,这可以是绝对安全的。If not, rest assured that at the time of purchase may require the use of wood hygrometer for humidity testing, this can be perfectly safe.

介绍了精密光电露点仪的基本工作原理,提出了精密光电露点仪的设计思路和实现的具体方法。The principle for the photoelectric hygrometer is introduced. The idea and method of designing the precision dew-point hygrometer are discussed.

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指出用光电露点仪进行湿度测量时引入误差的各种因素,提出相应的解决方法。Point out every factor leading errors in humidity measurement using the photoelectric dew point hygrometer and put forward the corresponding solving methods.

介绍精密光电露点仪的基本工作原理,提出了精密光电露点仪的设计思路和实现的具体方法。In this paper the principle for the photoelectric hygrometer is introduced. The idea and method of designing the precision dew-point hygrometer are discussed.

电子湿度计可以直接测量溶液上部密闭空间的相对湿度,而不能直接测量溶液的活度。An electronic hygrometer can be used to directly measure the relative humidity over the solution placed in hermetic room without direct measurement of its activity.

本报告描述了一种新的仪器,它的基本原理和氯化锂露点湿度计相同,但在测头构造和线路设计上经过改进后,能直接读出和控制空气的相对湿度。This paper describes a new hygrometer which is based on the principle of lithium chloride dew-point hygrometer but it can read and control the relative humidity directly.

利用精密露点仪和低露点湿度发生器对超低湿露点仪和微量水分仪进行了校准,并对超低湿情况下露点标准值的准确度进行了分析评估。The calibration of dew point hygrometer and micro-moisture meter in ultra-low humidity range was done by using precision dew point hygrometer and low range humidity generator.

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每个传感器芯片都在极为精确的湿度腔室中进行标定,以镜面冷凝式湿度计为参照。Each SHTxx is individually calibrated in a precision humidity chamber with a chilled mirror hygrometer as reference. The calibration coefficients are programmed into the OTP memory.

本文讨论了冷镜式露点仪测量不确定度的多种因素,其中有些不确定度分量目前还难以估算出具体数据。This paper discusses our method to evaluate the uncertainty components of chilled mirror hygrometer during calibration process, and also a few possible influencing factors we are interested in.

采用该方法设计的数字湿度计具有结构简单、外围电路少、抗干扰能力强、功耗小、可靠性高、速度快、反应时间短等优点。The digital hygrometer designed in this way has features of simple configuration, less surrounding elements, powerful antijamming ability, little power loss, high reliability, rapid response and etc.