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也是虚胖的缘由一。Puffiness of the reason is one.

天也容易造成眼部浮肿。Days are likely to cause eye puffiness.

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肌肤,减轻黑眼圈和浮肿。The skin, diminish dark circles and puffiness.

使用在眼睛区域之下减少虚胖。May be used under the eye area to reduce puffiness.

减少黑眼圈,幼纹和眼袋。Minimizes dark circles, reduces fine lines and puffiness.

身体虚胖通常是短期的,并通过运动而消除。The puffiness is generally short term and releases through movement.

冷能收缩血管,立即减少浮肿。The cold constricts the blood vessels, immediately reducing puffiness.

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我的身体有点虚胖不只和乙肝有没影响?Does my body have bit of puffiness not merely with second liver disappear noisy?

减少眼窦阻塞及眼部肿胀,并减轻头痛、偏头痛及其面部疼痛!Reduce sinus congestion & eye puffiness. Ease headaches, migraines, and face pain.

柔和轻松凝胶以帮助减少浮肿和理顺幼纹。A gentle, relaxing gel, formulated to help reduce puffiness and smooth out fine lines.

尽管如此,虽然眼睛看上去很糟,但是肿胀和发炎实际上会消退的。Still, even though it looks bad, the puffiness and irritation will eventually go away.

要解决此问题,我只是重复的方法,我用,以减少浮皮下面他的眼睛是雪亮的。To fix this, I simply repeated the method I used to reduce the puffiness below his eyes.

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黄瓜富含水分及维他命C,能帮助消除眼袋和眼睛红肿。Mostly water and high in Vitamin C, cucumbers ' properties help reduce puffiness and inflamed eyes.

体重降低,使她面容憔悴,形同麻杆,间或也夹杂着阵阵。Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight.

体重降低,使她面容憔悴,形同麻杆,间或也夹杂著阵阵虚胖和超重。Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight.

这样的成绩单虽亮眼,却被视为是“虚胖”的一种表现。Although such report card the bright eye, actually regards as is the puffiness one kind of performance.

特别适用于油性皮肤,其轻柔成分不会加重眼部皮肤的负担。Formulated especially for those with an oilier complexion, this lightweight formula will not exacerbate puffiness in the eye area.

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这种脓液如果大量积聚的话,就会膨胀以太体,导致身体的虚胖与水肿。This pus, if it collects in large enough amounts, will bloat the etheric body leading to physical "puffiness" and water retention.

为探寻柑桔果实浮皮发生的机理及控制途径,以特早熟温州蜜柑品种胁山为材料,对其浮皮发生的规律及生理特性进行了研究。Early maturing variety citrus was used in this study to investigate the mechanism of puffiness in citrus fruit, and seek for the methods of control.

Mila在她早期提升中就有这一倾向,从而导致了情绪的极端不平衡及严重虚胖与水肿。Mila had this tendency most of her earlier ascension, and it lead to days of extreme emotional imbalance, and a lot of puffiness and water retention.