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那名突击队员用木炭把他的脸涂黑。The commando blackened his face with charcoal.

我是特种兵之火凤凰即特种兵之火凤凰。I am the fire phoenix commando special forces fire phoenix.

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你是一个突击队在深处的中东部的沙漠地区。You're a commando in the depths of mid-east desert territory.

突击队和空降部队在被占领的桥梁附近汇合。Commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge.

突击队和空降部队在被占领的桥梁附近汇合。The Commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge.

在被占领的大桥附近,突击队和空降部队汇合了。The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge.

特种兵可以非常有效得清掉机甲和对付步兵。A commando can also be effective for wiping out Walkers and dealing with Infantry.

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斯科尔泽内收集突击队的武器,斯特恩机枪和炸药,而且他非常喜欢这些。He collected captured commando weapons, silenced Sten Guns, explosives and the like.

理想的使用特种兵的方法是微操他们同清算者合作。The ideal way to use the Commando is to micro-manage it in tandem with your Reckoner.

高级侦察突击队的传统并没有随着詹戈•费特在22BBY的死去而消失。The Advanced Recon Commando tradition did not end with the death of Jango Fett in 22 BBY.

玩家控制达尔文,G力组长,监察突击队央求家蝇。Players control Darwin, the G-Force team leader, and housefly surveillance commando Mooch.

美军的精英突击队——三角洲特种部队也被转移出阿富汗。The US military's elite commando unit, Delta Force, had been transferred out of Afghanistan.

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葡萄园主行动队成员放空了位于法国尼姆的,13个装满智利葡萄酒的槽罐中的1个。A commando vineyard owner empties one of 13 wine tanks filled with Chilian wine in Nimes, France.

对抗另一个GDI玩家,所有你需要的就是一个特种兵APC,和一些载着狙击手的干扰APC。Against other GDI player, all you need is a Commando APC, and some distraction APCs with Snipers.

巴基斯坦突击队袭击了陆军总部大楼,39名人质获救。Pakistani commando stormed the building at the army's national headquarters, freeing 39 hostages.

赵志珍和几个民兵推着自制的火炮来到前沿阵地。Zhao Zhizhen and a few commando are pushing self-restrained artillery to come to forward position.

令人冻得发抖的冷水浴让笑笑羊突袭农场主人的浴室,以取得热水。A freezing cold sheep dip sends Shaun on a commando raid to get hot water from the farmer's bathroom.

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土耳其称,以色列突击队的袭击是一个国家的谋杀行为,“严重违反国际法”。Turkey called the commando raid an act of murder by a state and “a grave breach of international law”.

日军特攻队成功潜入芷江,中国军却没有丝毫察觉。The Japanese army commando successfully sneaked into Zhi River, China army without the slightest notice.

他作为巡警被召入警署,2008年经过突击队员训练后被调至精英部队。He was recruited as a police constable, and transferred to the Elite Force after commando training in 2008.