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乔安娜是如何做到的呢?How does Joanne do it?

哈罗德,莫莉或者乔安妮会协助此工作。Harold, Molly or Joanne will help with the job.

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记者无法联系乔安妮•辛普森置评。Joanne Simpson couldn't be reached for comment.

独立新闻频道还有可能么?Oatts, Joanne. ITN news channel still a possibility?

或者至少,你不必把它告诉乔安娜·李。Or at least, you don't have to tell that to Joanne Lees.

图片由乔安妮•辛普森和施莱辛格图书馆提供。Photograph courtesy Joanne Simpson and the Schlesinger Library.

1958年,保罗·纽曼与首任妻子分手后和演员乔安娜·伍德沃德结合。Paul Newman divorced his first wife to marry actor Joanne Woodward in 1958.

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沙莉不喜欢和琼安在一起,因为她们兴趣不合。Sally doesn't like to spend time with Joanne because they have nothing in common.

乔安妮·凯瑟琳·罗琳1965年在英国出生,六岁时写了她的第一篇故事。Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in England in 1965, and wrote her first story at the age of six.

最初的灵感是在乔安妮·罗林作的一次横跨英格兰的长途火车旅行中产生的。The original idea came to Joanne Rowling whilst travelling on a long train journey across England.

在剧中,他和宣传照中的女演员乔安娜·克丽斯汀有很多裸露的镜头。He features in numerous nude scenes with co-star Joanne Christie, the woman in the publicity shots.

1955年,乔安娜从威斯康星州搬到旧金山,独自在那里生下了乔布斯,并把他送人抚养。Joanne moved to San Francisco from Wisconsin in 1955, had the baby alone and gave it up for adoption.

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“一次巨大的星状冲击是唯一看似合理的解释”联合作者琼安•摩根提到。"A giant asteroid smashing into Earth is the only plausible explanation" co-author Joanne Morgan noted.

乔安妮•辛普森博士,第一个获得气象学博士学位的女性,于2010年3月4日泯然而逝,享年86岁。Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in meteorology, died March 4, 2010, at the age of 86.

乔安娜。沃格特校长说,一些学生不了解从已发表的著作抄袭是错误的。The director, Joanne Vogt , says some have no idea that copying from published works is considered wrong.

主管乔安妮沃格特表示有些学生都不知道从已出版的作品中抄袭材料是一种错误的行为。The Director director, Joanne Vogt , says some have no idea that copying from published works is considered wrong.

史蒂夫·乔布斯79岁的生母乔安妮。辛波。辛普森于1932年出生于威斯康星州,她的父母是亚瑟。辛波和艾琳。辛波。Steve Jobs' 79 year-old birth mother Joanne Carole Schieble was born on 1932 in Wisconsin to Arthur and Irene Schieble.

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我希望感谢郑柔娟教练的耐心和指导,她给我们很多有用的知识。I would like to thank Ms Joanne Zheng for her patience and guidance. She has given us a lot of useful and valuable knowledge.

你在心里对自己说“如果下次乔安娜再嚼口香糖的话,我发誓一定冲过去将订书机甩到她位置上。"If Joanne cracks her gum one more time, I swear I'm going to send my stapler sailing into her cubicle," you think to yourself.

你在心里对自己说“如果下次乔安娜再嚼口香糖的话,我发誓一定冲过去将订书机甩到她位置上。"If Joanne cracks her gum one more time, I swear I'm going to send my stapler sailing into her cubicle," you think to yourself.