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火星快车号的火卫一动画。Phobos from Mars Express Spacecraft.

福波斯卫星表面最大的陨石坑称为“斯蒂克尼”。The biggest crater on Phobos is called Stickney.

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它是一个暗且发红的天体,很象火星的另一颗卫星火卫一。It is a dark, reddish object, very similar to Mars' other moon, Phobos.

火星有两个卫星,火卫一和火卫二,在希腊语中分别是“恐惧”和“恐慌”的意思。Mars has two moons, named Phobos and Deimos, Greek for "fear" and "panic".

2010年初,火星的小卫星福波斯在天文界掀起轩然大波。Mars’ tiny moon Phobos created a big stir among astronomers in early 2010.

我是克罗凯特上将,正在福布斯号的舰桥上向你们说话。This is Flag Admiral Crockett, speaking to you from the bridge deck of Phobos.

他说,美国应该考虑在火卫一上建一个中转基地。And he says the nation should consider a stop-over base on the Martian moon Phobos.

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同时它说国家应该考虑停止基础的火星火为一。And he says the nation should consider a stop-over base on the Martian moon Phobos.

EarthSky对话托马斯•克斯伯里,讲述科学队收集福波斯图像的故事。EarthSky spoke with Thomas Duxbury, on the science team collecting images of Phobos.

打开邮件,并点击链接封闭火卫一的电子邮件中,以激活您的帐户。Open the mail, and click on the phobos link enclosed in the email to activate your account.

这个如此长的名字来自希腊,语Gelos意思是笑,phobia的意思是害怕。That long name comes from the Greek language. The word Gelos means laugh, while phobos means fear.

苏联最近发射了一个太空探测船,计画将仪器放到火星的卫星何博斯上。The Soviet Union recently launched a probe designed to land equipment on the Martian satellite Phobos.

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火卫二和火卫一可能是由于小行星的扰动与木星的作用才使它们围着火星运动的。Deimos and Phobos may be due to disturbance of asteroids and Jupiter's role was to make them around Mars movement.

相对的,PHOBOS则尽可能在最广的角度范围内观测粒子,并研究粒子间分布角度的关系。In contrast, PHOBOS observes particles over the widest possible angular range and studies correlations among them.

由于现在需要遵守稍许怀疑原则,不允许进一步好奇地发射探测器接近火卫一。Since the Element of Doubt is to be maintained at present, further curiosity will not be allowed to swing a probe close to Phobos.

“火卫一步兵”探测器预计在今年晚些时候登陆火卫一,并于2014年取回地表样本。The Russian Phobos-Grunt robotic spacecraft is scheduled to launch toward Phobos later this year and return surface samples in 2014.

俄罗斯已经启动一项冒险计划——从火星卫星火卫一上取得岩石尘土标本带回地球。Russia has launched an audacious bid to scoop up rock and dust samples from the Martian moon Phobos and bring them back to Earth for study.

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这颗中国小卫星将探测火星,而俄国探测器则同时在“火卫一”上着陆以探测环境及收集泥土样本。The small Chinese satellite will explore Mars while the Russian craft will land on Phobos to explore the environment and scoop up soil samples.

克斯伯里补充道,2010年将开始福波斯样采样任务,采集的样本送回地球后,这些问题或者更多其他问题都将得到解答。Duxbury added that these questions and more might be answered by a future mission in 2011 to collect samples of Phobos and return them to Earth.

雪茄由火卫一2所采取的倒数第二架形工艺铸造的对象显然是对火星表面的照片,在较早长方形阴影。The cigar shaped craft in the penultimate frame taken by Phobos 2 is apparently the object casting the oblong shadow on the surface of Mars in the earlier photo.