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他今天穿着一件礼袍。He robed himself in a ceremonial gown today.

年轻人不应该拘于旧说,要勇于创新。Some people did not like this ceremonial style.

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我在最高法院还承担仪式上的职责。I also have other ceremonial roles in the Court.

这次只是遵照礼仪见见面而已。So I imagine this is just a ceremonial position.

这套夜礼服浆一浆再熨。This ceremonial dress is to be starched and pressed.

如果她邀请你参加宗教私刑礼你也会去吗?If she invited you to a ceremonial lynching, would you go?

礼仪有磨损和非正式的服装穿汉服。There are ceremonial wear and informal wear in Hanfu clothing.

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第五章论述的是神像画的使用。The fifth chapter introduces usage of PanYao ceremonial paintings.

一种由美洲印第安人在夏至进行的祭奠舞蹈。A ceremonial dance performed by amerindians at the summer solstice.

礼茶,酒和用餐礼仪一直传承着国家的文化。Ceremonial tea, sake and dining rituals have stayed with the culture.

博西巴的最高祭司加密科藏在他可怖的祭天面具后面。Gamic , the High Priest of Bo-hibba, in his fearsome ceremonial mask.

阅兵仪式开始时,他下令部队进场。At the beginning of a ceremonial parade,he gives the order to march on.

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白宫助理表示,布什总统的这次访问将是礼节性的,但也具有实质性意义。White House aides say the trip will be both ceremonial and substantive.

在苏格兰军队的仪式制服中,方格裙也占有一席之地。In the Scottish army the kilts are used as part of the ceremonial uniform.

礼器之中,玉礼器是最重要、最具代表性的。Jade article is the most important and typical of the ceremonial utensils.

从而形成了今天我们所看到的这个世界上最大的祭天建筑群。Thus formed today what we see of the world's largest ceremonial buildings.

我想这比在美国富有更多的仪式性,也更特别。I think this is so much more ceremonial and special than the United States.

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孔子的美学概而言之就是礼乐美学。Briefly speaking, Confucius' esthetics is that of ceremonial rites and music.

上院议员身着礼服参加议会的开幕式。The Lords were attired in their ceremonial robes for the opening of parliament.

石室坟墓具有长方形的礼仪结构,这种结构在以往的埃及坟墓中也经常发现。Mastabas are rectangular ceremonial structures often found above Egyptian tombs.