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艾里·勒琼成为复兴法裔美国人音乐的关键人物。Iry Lejeune became a pivotal figure in the revitalization of Cajun music.

每当羚羊烘干和艰苦成为,浸泡它在水中为复活。Whenever chamois dries up and becomes hard, Soak it in water for revitalization.

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尽管如此,对于未来城市规划和城市复新工程来说,这依然是一种有价值的概念。Still, it's an interesting concept that could inform future urban planning and revitalization projects.

尽管如此,对于未来城市规划和城市复新工程来说,这依然是一种有价值的概念。Still, it’s an interesting concept that could inform future urban planning and revitalization projects.

“我们希望新的会展中心为蒙斯市的这片新兴区域带来新鲜的活力”他补充道。We hope the new center brings a fresh dynamic to this area of revitalization in Mons, " adds Libeskind."

扩大开放是实现吉林全面振兴的主要途径和战略任务。Jilin is opening wider to achieve a comprehensive revitalization of the main channels and strategic task.

石油是稀缺的不可再生的资源,是国民经济发展的重要战略物资。As a non-renewable and rare resource, petroleum is strategically related to national economy revitalization.

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妮维雅并没有像广告中那样使人恢复活力,看来气色真的需要首先调节心理。Nivea Man did't revitalization the same as the advertisement, it seems I should psychological adjustment first.

戴维的长处在于基层组织能力强,而我们党在州及地方级别迫切需要振兴。His strength was grassroots organizing, and our party badly needed revitalization at the state and local levels.

长春藤提取物,具活化血管属性,能促进组织更新及加快血液循坏。Ivy Extract has vasoactive properties that promote the revitalization of the tissues, increasing the blood flow.

第二,中俄两国都面临发展经济、实现国家振兴的历史任务。Second, both China and Russia are facing the historic tasks of economic development and national revitalization.

费希特的教育思想也能为我国的教育方针和民族复兴提供有益的借鉴。Fichte's education ideas have thrown useful enlightenments to China's education policy and nation revitalization.

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在县城振兴街,记者发现街道很整洁,几乎没有乱扔的垃圾。Street revitalization in the county town, the reporter found that the streets are clean, almost no throw garbage.

公司分立的实质是公司产权结构的重新调整,资产的重新划分。Company"s discrete essence is the revitalization of company"s property right structure, repartition of the assets.

出售萨博是通用汽车重组战略的关键要素,但这家美国公司一直难于达成一项协议。Selling Saab is a key element of GM's revitalization strategy, but the U.S. auto maker has struggled to seal a deal.

经济的活跃、文化的发展带给了温州人不一样的消费观。The revitalization of economy and the development of culture bring the Wenzhou people different views of consumption.

规划指出了有色金属产业调整和振兴的七项主要任务。Planning, pointed out that the non-ferrous metals industrial restructuring and revitalization of the seven major tasks.

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因此,哈大齐工业走廊上的地方政府必须转换职能以适应市场经济的要求,从而达到振兴“走廊”经济的目的。Therefore, the local governments have to transform their functions to fit in the revitalization of the corridor economy.

贸易部长中川昭一对大荣接受产业再生机构援助的决定表示欢迎。Trade Minister Shoichi Nakagawa welcomes Daiei's decision to accept help from the Industrial Revitalization Corporation.

“勿忘国耻,振兴中华”这种挑战,是一种更为长期的考验。"Do not forget national humiliation, the revitalization of the Chinese" this kind of challenge, is a more long-term test.