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他的脚生了坏疽,必须解除。When gangrene set in, his foot have to be amputate.

如果血管受损,可能会感受到一个坏疽感染。If blood vessels are damaged, people can suffer a gangrene infection.

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在青霉素到来之前,外科手术病人有四分之一会死于坏疽。Before its advent, a quarter of all surgery patients died of gangrene.

发展成皮肤发红,水肿,渗出和皮肤坏死。Progresses to skin erythema, edema, exudation and gangrene of the skin.

不要说,‘天啊,我得了坏疽,我的腿几乎要被截掉了’。Don’t say, ‘Oh my god, I had gangrene and they almost had to amputate my leg.

福尼耳坏疽在直肠癌病患很少见却经常致命。Fournier's gangrene is a rare but often fatal manifestation of rectal cancer.

摘要福尼耳坏疽在直肠癌病患很少见却经常致命。Fournier's gangrene is a rare but often fatal manifestation of rectal cancer.

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我宁可得气性坏疽,也不愿再去中国餐馆了。“父亲冷冷地加了一句。"I would rather have gas gangrene than go through that again, " my father added grimly.

目的探讨血栓闭塞性脉管炎坏疽的换药方法及护理要点。Objective To explore the Medicine method and nurse of thrombo angitis obliterans gangrene.

CT检查后7小时进行了剖腹手术,发现疝囊内存活的空肠肠襻。At laparotomy performed 7 hours after CT, the herniated jejunal loops were viable with no gangrene.

从政治层面来看,欧盟似乎不愿意考虑这样的“截肢术”,因此组织的坏死会继续扩散。Politically, the EU seems unwilling to contemplate such an amputation. So the gangrene will spread.

一个来自喀什葛尔的人绑着绷带,由于太艰难以至于他的手已经开始腐败。A man from Kashgar has put on a bandage but too hard so that gangrene has already begun in the hand.

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我老公曾见过有病人的坏疽用任何药都治不好,后来用此法治愈了。My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine, but was healed by soaking in peroxide.

著名的美籍苏格兰裔警探艾伦品克顿,由于疏忽照料舌头割伤而死于坏疽。Famous Scottish-American detective Allan Pinkerton died of gangrene because he didn't treat his cut tongue.

好不容易才用氯化洗剂和硝酸银治愈了坏疽。It was not without difficulty that the chloruretted lotions and the nitrate of silver overcame the gangrene.

常见肢体发凉、怕冷、疼痛,间歇跛行甚或肢端溃疡和坏疽。Common body cooling, afraid of the cold, pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene.

除轻微症状外,都要进行药物治疗,因为情况严重时会有发生败血症和坏疽的危险。Seek medical attention for all but mild cases, as there is risk of septicemia and gangrene in more severe cases.

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鼠疫引起的痛苦,相对迅速的死亡,经常牵涉到呕吐,出血,和皮肤的坏疽。Plague causes a painful, relatively quick death that often involves vomiting, bleeding, and gangrene of the skin.

我们报告一位酗酒之男性病患,他罹患至少是肿瘤第三期之直肠癌及福尼耳坏疽。We report a case of at least T3 stage adenocarcinoma of rectum with Fournier's gangrene in a male alcoholic abuser.

方法对42例动脉硬化闭塞症导致的下肢干性坏疽病人的截肢手术情况进行回顾性分析。Methods The authors reviewed 42 patients underwent amputation for dry gangrene of leg due to atherosclerosis obliterans.